The Answer's Yes, Oh, The Answer's Yes

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Four days past with speed on the bus – after I’d finally cleaned up all the foam from the bunk alley (it took Andy and I over an hour) everything went back to being all fun and games. The atmosphere was strongly positive and everyone was cheerful; time passed quickly. Before I knew it, it was the night of our hotel stay, meaning everyone was even more excited for the fact we’d get to have proper beds again.

The hotel stay had prompted quite a lot of fun on the bus, as well. For example, everyone (well, Andy and I) earlier today were laughing at Jinxx and Jake - who had the misfortune of staying in a room next to CC and Ashley - who we all knew would be taking full advantage of the double bed and weren’t going to be quite about it. Meanwhile, Andy and I had a double room booked, which – according to our tour manager, Jon – was up a floor from the other four as the hotel was nearly all booked up and there weren’t three rooms next to each other available.

In all honesty, the idea of sharing with Andy was making me a little nervous – was he expecting us to do stuff? Still, by doing a quick Google search of the hotel, I found out that our room would have both a double and a single bed, so, if worst came to absolute worst and things got uncomfortable, I could sleep there.

I couldn’t imagine needing to, though. Even though we’d never had sex together – or, at all, in my case – we’d share bunks all the time, so it wouldn’t be a big deal.

“Lukass! You got your bag ready? We’re here!” Andy called out from further up the bus, his deep voice flowing through the bunk alley.

“Yup! I’m coming!” I grabbed the small black bag of things I’d packed earlier that day by the handles and left the bunk alley, looking around for Andy as I went.

I found the tall man by the bus entrance, a blue bag similar to mine by his feet and a smile on his face as he saw me approaching.

“There you are! Come on, let’s go get settled in for the night”. Hand in hand, we exited the bus, my eyes immediately getting drawn to the brightly lit hotel in front of us. The building was fairly large and nice looking, with revolving doors at the entrance and little lights on the marble stairs which lead up to said doors; with the lights being a stark contrast to the inky black skies above, it was actually quite pretty.

By the doors stood the rest of the guys, all with bags in hand as they talked amongst themselves, obviously waiting for Andy and I to join them.

When we approached the group, we were greeted by a round of welcomes before we all entered the hotel, the others still continuing on their previous conversations and including Andy and myself in them now that we’d joined them.

Not unusually, we got a few funny looks from some of the other people in the hotel reception, but it didn’t faze me or the band – we were all used to getting looks like that and it really didn’t bother us. Thankfully, the man behind the counter didn’t look at us like we were animals in a zoo and welcomed us to the Bella Sonno Hotel with a kind but professional attitude.

Once we were handed our room keys, it was time to wish each other a good night and head to our separate rooms; we were all dead tired from such a long day and though we’d usually have a drink or two in the evening, everyone was obviously eager to get into a real bed.

So, once everyone had said their goodbyes, Andy and I headed off towards the lifts together whilst the others went in a different direction as their rooms weren’t near our one.

“Can I push the button?” Andy asked with a childish grin, his finger poised in the air, ready to press the shiny silver button with the up arrow on it.

“If you want” I chuckled as Andy poked the button (not just once, but several times as we were waiting, as if that would make it come faster) and shook my head gently – sometimes, it was easy to forget he’s older than me.

By the time we’d managed to get to our room, Andy was all hyped up and I was stuck somewhere between relaxed, amused and tired. Key in hand, I approached the door with the number 192 on it, smiling to myself as Andy bounced around excitable behind me while I unlocked the door.

The door swung inwards, revealing a standard hotel room; it was fairly basic and not five star quality, but to Andy and I, it was luxury after spending so many nights in bunks.

“Oh my God, I can’t believe it – an actual mattress!” the dark haired boy cheered, dropping his bag up the floor as he bounded across the room and leapt onto the bed, making the mattress dip as his weight suddenly pressed down on it.

“I know, right!” I agreed, placing my bag down as well, but, unlike Andy, on a proper surface. As I was so used to cleaning up after the boys, it was instinct to scoop Andy’s bag up from the floor and place it next to mine, so it wasn’t just in the middle of the room.

Andy’s mind obviously wasn’t on tidying, though, as when I turned towards him, he was waiting on the bed with his arms out towards me, waiting for me to join him.

Immediately, I forgot about the bags and walked over to the bed, clambered on it once I was there and settled straight into Andy’s outstretched arms.

“This is so comfy” I commented as Andy and I lay down on the bed, arms around each other’s bodies. The mattress dipped once again as Andy pulled me up from his side and on top of his chest. Now that my nose was near his neck, I could smell his aftershave – a delightful smell which made me nuzzle into his shoulder and kiss along the exposed skin there.

“Yeah and ah, that tickles!” he giggled, hands gripping my waist as I continued to attack his neck with light kisses. That was when I decided to change from tickling kisses to something a bit more… sensual…

Andy and I hadn’t really done anything apart from kissing so far, so I guess you could say I was testing the waters as I started to suck on his neck, just below his ear. From his quick intake of breath, I could tell I was at least having an effect on him.

“Damn, ‘Kass” he moaned rather airily, shifting under me slightly as his head fell back, giving me better access to his neck.

Since Andy was clearly enjoying this, I continued to suck at the now tender skin, only stopping briefly to look at his neck and realise I’d left a hickey there. As I dipped my head down again, I felt Andy’s hands go from my waist to the backs of my thighs, pulling me closer to him. That was when I became very away of the bulge in his jeans that was now pressing against me.

Andy was turned on and I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t as well – seeing him in such a state was bound to have an effect on me.

Suddenly, I felt my back hit the mattress as Andy flipped us over, his body on top of mine as he started to kiss me.

“Lukass” he murmured against my lips, dragging out the s at the end as he pushed his hips forward against mine while he parted my lips with his tongue.

I didn’t put up a fight for dominance and just let Andy explore my mouth, while I brought my hands up to tangle them in his long hair, gasping slightly when he pushed his hips forward again.

At this noise, Andy removed his mouth from mine and moved back to gaze down at me – his eyes dark with want. Slowly, he moved his hand down onto my belt buckle, but instead of undoing it, he looked me in the eyes, a silent question being asked.

For a second, we both remained still, just looking into each other’s eyes while we thought of what could potentially happen next and how we felt about that. After a few seconds though, I found that I already knew the answer and didn’t have to even think about that much.

I wanted this.

“Yes?” Andy breathed, eye flickering to his hand which still gently rested above my crotch before back up to me again.

I let the want inside of me show on my face as I placed my hand on the back of his thigh, just like he’d done to me a few minutes previous.




So, who's up for a sex scene? ;) (Don't be afraid to say no if you'd rather I kept the story clean, by the way, I'll take everyone's opinions into account)

xo KilljoyAndProudOfIt

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