Chapter 23

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♤♤Carter's PROV ♤♤♤

I hold Mia to me as we stand in the ocean. She is in her bathing suit and I almost died when I saw her in it. I have to admit Mia is no Barbie. She has curves. But she is still beautiful, and I can't help loving every inch of her.

We kiss and every move my she makes with her lips makes my heart flutter.


We get back to my house and we get out of the car. I can't bileve I'm going to be married to Mia in a matter of time. I set up plans for my sister and her to go dress shopping tomorrow. My sister is setting up most of the wedding with some help from my aunt. I just couldn't wait to ask Mia to be my wife. And when I did, I was so nervous. I was hopping Mia would say yes, just that one word.

We walk up to our room. Mia walks over to her draw and pulls out PJs. She looks at me funny when she relies I'm watching her. I just smile and turn away to get my clothes. Out of the corner of my I eye see Mia putting on her PJ'S. She is so cute. I pull out some PJ pants and put them on. Once I have them on, I turn to see Mia in the bathroom washing her face.

I go over to her and put my hands on her waist. She looks at me through the mirror. That glow in her eyes, the way her heart beats a little faster everytime I touch her, all of that tells me she loves me. I knew I had to get her to love me when we first met. She was dining that she had feelings for me but I got her to just face them. And for that she has my bravery award.

I kiss her neck and I see her eyes close. I pick her up and carry her to the bed. He has such an nice body. And vampires are supposed to be cold but when I touch him or he touches me, he is warm. His blue eyes match mine and I feel my heart melt again. I just love saying this over and over again but, I really really love Carter. I know I say that or think that way to much but I just want him to know~ I read her mind as I put her on my bed and curl up next to her. "I know." I whisper in her ear and I feel her get goosebumps. I smile into her neck. "You know that I love you huh?" She says and I kiss her cheek. "I do." I say and kiss her. Her lips soft like a flower in the spring. I pull away my lips to say something to her. "I love you too."


I whisper and she kisses me a little roughly this time. I have to hold back as much as possible before my inner vampire comes through and bileve me it's not a good thing. She bites my lip a little in a playful way when I pull away. I smile at her. Mia kisses my cheek making her way down to my neck and I didn't edspecting her to bite me but she does. Her teeth sink into my neck and just like the last time I bit her, it feels good. How can she do that? I moan a little and then close my mouth trying to take it back. Carter calm down, you have to control it. I tell myself trying not to lose it. She retracts her teeth and I turn so I'm hovering over her. No Carter! Control it! I tell myself again. I kiss Mia, and I move my hand up the him of her shirt. Carter stop! I tell myself, I can't bring out the killing vampire inside of me. Mia pulls off her shirt. Oh, crap...Carter control- crap- what was I saying. I think to myself. Mia why did you do that? I kiss her collar bone and make my way back up to her lips. She pulls me closer. Damnit Carter!! Control it! I yell at myself in my head. My hands move up and down on Mia's curves. Carter you have had your fun, now stop!! I yell in my head again but I get ride of the thought. Mia tries to unclasp her bra but I stop her.

(You are good.)

"What's wrong?" She asks me and I lay down next to her. "I can't." is all I can mange to say. I just relies I was breathing heavy. "Carter, we are going to be married soon." She says and I finally look at her now green eyes. "Mia," I say and she just me a questioning look. "I'm a virgin." I tell her. I'm not lying, I really have not lost my virginity. I see her blush a little. "I'm a virgin too." She says and I feel a wave of relef come over me. "I'm was saving it for someone special." She says and I sit up a little looking at her. "I'm was saving it for my soul mate." I tell her and she blushes more. "Do you want to wait?" She asks me and I nod. "I'm ok with that." I answer in a teasing way and she giggles. "Me too, if I ever found mine." She says. I'm glad we agree on this. I wanted to keep mine until I was married at least. My mom was frustrated that I was still a virgin, witch I don't understand because isn't that a good thing? Oh wait, I forgot she told me she wants lots and lots of kids....Kids. That word scares me. I wouldn't know if I would be a good dad or not. "Speaking of virginity, I think we need to finally talk about this." I tell Mia and she turns her attention towards me. "What is it?" She asks. "We need to talk about kids." I say and her eyes get wide. "What's wrong?" I ask her. "I-I'm scared of having kids. Giving birth just seems and looks painful and scarey- I, I don't know if I would be able to do it." She tells me and I smile. "Well, I'm scared of becoming a dad." I tell her and her face lightens up. "Really?" She asks me. "I have never really wanted to have kids." She tells me and waits for me to say something back. "I can understand why your scared of having kids but, I mean, I like kids. And yeah sometimes I try to picture myself as a father but, I always think, what if I fail?" I confess to Mia. She hugs me. "Thank you for not pressuring me into having kids." She says. "Why would I do that?" I ask her. "I would never pressure you into doing anyhting."

"Thank you." She whispers, we lay back down and she fells asleep.

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