chapter 4

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♤♤Carter's PROV♤♤

I scroll through facebook, nothing new. My ex is still trying to impress me with her pictures but, I'm still trying to figure out why I ever dated her. There's a loud knock on my bed rooms door and I turn off my phone. I walk over to my door opening it to see my other brother, Grant with a unreadable look on his face.
" What's wrong with you?" I ask him confused as hell. "Meet me outside asap." I grab my shoes and walk with him through the halls and to the front door. We walk to the side of our house where our basement is.
I put a hand on Grants shoulder "Tell me what the hell is going on?" I command to know. "Mom... mom she took her. She kidnapped that girl." he says a nervous reck. "Who?" I ask him. "That vampire slayer you were supposed to kill."
"You know I don't want to do this. I.I cant." I stutter a little. I know I have to drink blood to stay alive but you only really need to start at the age of 18 and I haven't yet. I don't know if I can do this but if I don't them I might die. I open the basement door and walk down. The basement is lite up by a small light that doesn't shine much.
Grant stays up there and then closes the door behind me. I look around the room to see a girl with strawberry brown hair tried to a chair with something covering her mouth. I walk over and put my hand near her face to examine the red spott above her eyebrow and she moves her head away. "My mom wants me to kill you." I say pulling off the thing covering her mouth so she could talk. "Then do it. And if you are going to do it quick." She says moving her head so her neck is more exposed. The light catches her eyes the most beautiful color of blue and green. I slide behind her and then move to her neck slowly. First I kiss it and then sink my teeth in slowly. I hear a gasp come out of her mouth. My heart starts pumping and I feel chills run through my neck as I bite a little deeper. "Please stop." I hear a breathe let out of her mouth.

***** Mia's PROV****

I see a male figure come down the stairs to the basement. The lady that brought me here said her son is going to get to kill me and she sounded excited about it. I understand I kill vampires but, why do they feel the need to do these stupid traditions? He walks close to me and knell down beside me . "My mom wants me to I kill you." He says and try to touch my face but I pull away and he almost looks afendid. Can he really blame me for doing that. I feel a little pain at the top of my eyebrow where his mom cut me. He pulls off the tape covering my mouth his blue eyes matching mine. I have to say he is very attractive. Most vampires are but some are just down right to gorgeous and stuck up. His blonde hair shines in the light making his eyes pop. I slide my head. "Then do it," I say "And if you are going to, do it quick." I say, if I die the last thing I want is to die slowly or in pain. Is slide my head more revealing my neck, he starts to blush a little. He walks behind and knell again. I feel a breathe on my neck and then a kind of soothing kiss touches my skin. Before I can begin to think straight he begins a bite. And I breathe out not knowing I was holding my breathe. The pain Flys through my neck and be bites deeper. I said kill me quick. My vision starts to blur "Please stop" I say hoping he will stop but he continues and I yelp. I feel a drop of water on my back. And I know he has let out a tear. He doesn't want to kill me does he. The pain gets worse and I scream. And the fangs pull out of my neck. I yelp again as the pain gets worse. My body gets colder and I shiver. I feel my hands get free and I fall to the floor my vision still a blur. I yelp again as I cluch

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