Sal x Breanna

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You've been best friends with Sal ever since you were kids. You never told him this but you've always had feelings for him, but the time you had grabbed the courage to tell him, he says he has a girlfriend already. You never told him. You hear rumors of Sal being back in Staten Island and decided to pay him a visit. You wonder if he even remembers you as you walk to his house. You were wearing your lucky necklace because you felt that you needed it. You knock on the door and he answers it ."Breanna, is that you?" he asks as he tilts his head to the right while examining you. "Yes Sal, and stop staring at me like that." He laughs and lets you inside. "How are you Sal?" you ask as soon as you sit down. "Great! How about you Breanna?" he asks and you answer "Fine. I'm actually surprised you still remembered me!" he smiles and says "Well I did have-" and just stops. "What did you say Sal?" you ask, "Oh nothing. Want some food?" he says. You sit there for a few seconds just blankly staring at the man. "No. Just water." you say and Sal stands up and walks to the kitchen. You think hard about what he was supposed to say. You start thinking of how hard it is now to hide your feelings for him. You take off your necklace because it was getting itchy when he comes back holding a glass of water for you in one hand and a bag of chips in the other hand. He sits beside you and puts the glass on the table and starts eating.

He turns the TV on and starts flipping through the channels. He finally stops at a channel to watch some movie. He continues to eat and he offers you some. "Want some?" "Nah, I'm okay. Thank you though."

He holds the chips closer to you and says "Come on just try it."

You give in and take one. It was delicious but not your type. He offers some more but you decline the offer.

When you finish the movie, you stand up. "Nice meeting you again Sal." and start walking towards the door. Before you walk through the door, a hand grabs your wrist and says "Wait, do you want the last chip?" you turn around to see him holding literally the last chip. "No, it's yours." you say and he tosses it into his mouth and lets you go. "Bye Sal!" you said and started walking home.

When you were home you think to yourself, 'I really thought he was going to do some big romantic gesture or something.' but you think again 'we're just friends and he probably has a girlfriend again.' and you start hitting your head with the palm of your hand repeatedly saying "Stupid." and you decide to go to sleep.

You wake up about 8am the next morning to see that you received 1 message from a random number. You opened it to read the message. "Hey Breanna, it's Sal. You left your necklace at my place. Want me to swing by there later to give it back?" You wondered as to how he got your number but decide to text him back. "Sure! What time?" and as soon as you press send, you hear a sound coming from your window. You turn around to see that pebbles were being thrown. You open the window to see that Sal had been the one throwing the pebbles. "What are you doing here?" you say in a loud whisper leaning over the window.

"What did you say?" Sal yelled a bit too loud.

"What are you doing here?" you repeated leaning over a little more.

"What? I didn't here you!" Sal yelled again.

"I said what are you doing here?!" leaning over one last time before you fell out of your window.

You open your eyes to find yourself on the ground, on top of Sal. You hear him groan and he opens his eyes and says "Breanna? are you okay?"

You answer "Am I okay? I should be the one asking you that question."

"I'm fine, did you get hurt?" he asked again.

"No." and he looks you in the eyes with those beautiful emerald green eyes. You couldn't take it anymore, your lips pressed against his. He kissed back, but when you both pulled away your first word was "I'm sorry." and you got up and started brushing yourself off.

"Why sorry?" Sal asks as he gets up

"I kissed you! I ruined our friendship..." you say tearing up and running a hand through

He wipes a tear from your eye with his thumb and kisses your forehead. "Breanna. I always liked you, I just never had the courage to say it. You didn't ruin our friendship." he says and takes your hand and puts something on your palm.

"I'll see you tonight?" he says and starts walking away.

You smile and say "Sure." when he was gone, you looked at what he placed in your hand. It was your necklace.

Hope you like it Breanna!

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