Authors note

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Hello lovelys :)

So um hey my first authors note! I just wanted to say sorry I haven't been updating, I've been super busy with important things

Louis: is it that or are you just on tumblr too much

Lou tumblr is really Important plus I've been running out of ideas

Harry: enough of the jibber jabber when do I come into the story

Zayn: yeah me too

Guys soon, be patient

Niall: well hurry up and update I wanna go to USA

patience young one

Louis: hey when I first come in can I be in a carrot suit

That's the stupidest idea- well it's not that bad ill think about it

Harry: then I want to be dressed as a cat

Harry you are not going to be dressed as a cat

Louis: so you want to be a pussy

Louis Language!

Liam: actually A pussy is a cat

Zayn: can I be a mysterious bad boy

Niall: ooooo I wanna be dressed as a donut

Niall your already in the story

Well that's it for today's authors note :)

Liam: bye guys stay in school

Niall: bye , donut do drugs, haha get it donut

Zayn: bonjour it's zen!

Bye lovelys wait. Where's Louis and Harry, Harry leave that cat alone

Old lady Heidy: can some one get this boy away from me he thinks I'm a carrot

Louis leave old lady Heidy alone! Bye guys I have to get Louis

Forbidden Love ~ Niam (Teacher x Student)Where stories live. Discover now