Chapter 4

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Adeline went through the day in a sort of daze. This would be the first time she had been to the old opera house since they remodeled it after the fire a few years before. Right after her mother passed away. Actually, the first time ever.

Of course she had walked past it before when she was a child, but crews of men were always working to restore it to its former glory so she could never go inside. Now, her 'sister' was performing a part in this years production of Carmen. It was a small role but Penelope's father was proud nonetheless and probably wanted to rub it in Adeline's face.

She never really cared that her sister got voice lessons and she didn't. Whenever she was alone though, she would hum or sing the songs that her mother used to sing to her.

Adeline started looking through her wardrobe for a dress that would be somewhat appropriate for an opera, at least she would be backstage and not in the audience. Then, she would've had to go out and buy a fancier dress.

She picked out a simple white dress that had a red ribbon that tied around the waist. Even though the production wasn't until tomorrow night, Addy wanted to be prepared. She also picked out small red shoes that matched.

Adeline sat on her bed and smiled to herself. She had made a plan in her head, when the production was at intermission, she would slip away and explore. Trying to find him. Addy didn't exactly know what she was going to do once she found the phantom, but she just knew she needed to find him.

As she was getting ready for bed, Adeline started singing to herself. Softly of course so Jefferson and Penelope couldn't hear.

'Say you'll love me every waking moment
Turn my head with talk of summer time
Say you'll need me with you now and always
Promise me that all you say is true
That's all I ask of you...'

She put on her nightgown and climbed into bed, still humming. She remembered her mother singing this to her when she was sick.

Adeline was drifting off to sleep, her humming stopping and starting as her eyelids closed.

Suddenly soft singing reached her ears and she sat up in bed.

'Let me be your shelter
Let me be your light'

At first, in her half asleep state, Addy thought it was Penelope but the voice was deeper, and nothing she had ever heard before. Not even the phantom.

She jumped up and ran to the window. It took a second for her eyes to adjust to the street lamp shining in her eyes, but she saw a figure standing in the shadows across the street. He looked... Like a younger version of the phantom.

The same black hair, though his was slightly ruffled and messy, the same black suit, and the same white mask covering half of his face.

Adeline stared at him from her window. And he stared back.

Suddenly a crash from the hallway made her quickly turn towards her door. The noise was followed by silence and when her breathing calmed down Addy turned back towards the window.

The boy was gone.

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