Chapter 1

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As I was exiting the limo with my mother inside the door quickly slams shu and dives off, leaving me with nothing but my surroundings.

I turn my gaze from where the limo was last at to the sky. The clouds all fluffy and oddly shaped, floated off towards the other side of the world when I suddenly felt a touch to my injured cheek.

Looking from my peripheral and see that a boy with red hair was poking my cheek, yet looked slightly concerned at what I'm guessing is my blood.

"Doesn't it hurt?" said the boy still poking my cheek as if if he took awayhis finger it would magically disappear.

I shake my head answering his question and getting his finger off my cheek at the same time, though it did slightly sting with the slight rub of his finger on the cut.

"Don't you cry when you get hit by your mommy?" asked the boy making me freeze at the word 'mommy'. I had no mommy, I only had a mother and a father.

I shake my head and decide to ignore him and look back at the clouds.

"Why don't you talk?"

He was getting slightly annoying with his questions of my life.

Sighing I don't answer him and turn towards my right to see there were flowers.

And because of this action I'm guessing the boy got some kind of idea and headed towards the flower bed.

I notice him crouch down and start to pick multiple flowers of different colors.

He must be getting them for the teacher or maybe his own mother.

With all the flowers he wanted he gets up and runs towards me and puts the multi-colored bouquet in front of my face and smiles.

"My nany says that if you get a bouquet of flowers to a pretty girl she will be happy! Are you happy?" smiled the boy with a slight blush on his face.

I was shocked at the most, I had heard that if you did give flowers to someone they will be happy.

Though I was not expecting for this unknown boy to give me flowers at all.

He was truely a kid boy that had nothing but kindness in him. I didn't know what to do so I did the only thing that I thought was the right thing to do at a time like this.

I grabbed the flowers from his hands and smiled. A true smile that I haven't shown anyone but my grandfather.

The boy looked shoced for a few sconds and quickly changed his expression into a smile with a slight blush on his face.

"My name is Akashi Seijuro, what is your name?" asked Akashi-san getting even more excited from what I guess is meeting a new friend.

I grab my bookbag from behind me and take out my dry-erase board and quickly write down my name.

As I showed Akashi-san my face from a smile turned into a frown. Akashi was looking at the board with slight anger, that I had no idea why he was angry in the first place.

"Why are you writing your name instead of telling me..." muttered Akashi-san with sadness and anger in his voice.

I turn the board back around and write down my answer and show it to him to read.

'I was born MUTE.'

He still looks at the board angrily and pushes it aside making both of us come face to face, and making me feel slightly uneasy.

"Then say my ame from your mouth." he stated with authority that slightly shocked me at how he was so young yet he can have authority in his voice.

"Say it as if you were talking, don't write it down and don't think it in your mind. Say my name with your voice."

Sighing I decided to just let him have his way and try speaking, though no sound comes out I say his name with my eyes closed not wanting to see his reaction to him knowing that my voice was non-existent.

Akashi Seijuro.

"You do have a voice Tsukiko, people just can't hear how pretty it is." this shocked me. He must be joking with saying that I have a voice when I was born mute.

"But rom now on don't say my full name. After all we're now friends." he smiledtilting his head to the right slightly and grabbing my hand into his slightly bigger one.


He looks at me with a new light in his eyes and laughs happily making me feel like n one could come near ad break this happy moment.

"Yeah you can call me Sei, and I'll call you Kiko alright." smiled Sei with his eyes closed and a smle that could be shown on the T.V.

Smiling I look up to the clouds and couldn't help myself from opening my mouth and letting out a soundless laugh that so far only one person could hear.

And that person was the one that saved me from my dark life and into one of happiness and protection, Sei.

Silent Princess (Kuroko no Basket- Akashi Seijuro love story)Where stories live. Discover now