•Chapter 4: Unknown Rage

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Christa the Kind Human was slowly getting used to your presence as she saw you as a colossal best friend. You caught fish for her to eat, you provided shelter and warmth for her to sleep at night and you had basically adopted her as a mini human pet. It had been a week since you had first found the blonde human and she seemed to have grown very attached to you.

"Hey (Name)...." You turned your head to acknowledge the human sitting on your thigh, twiddling her thumbs slowly. You made a small noise to signal her to keep speaking.

"You're a great friend and I really like you but....." You didn't like where this was going.

"I miss being able to talk with my friends, I don't know what they're doing at the moment but I just miss them so much! They probably think I'm dead... Ohhhh, what would Ymir be thinking right now?" She started sniffling slightly. You grabbed her and cuddled her like you cuddle her every day. It was nice to hug something that isn't a brainless Titan, or a tree.... It was still amazing to you.

Though, despite you desire for daily hugs, you hated seeing her sad. It managed to shatter your heart instantly because she was upset over something. A kind human shouldn't have to experience sadness, especially one as beautiful as your new friend, it wasn't fair!

"(Name), there's a Titan behind us" Christa warned you. You turned your head to see a Titan on all fours making its way towards you, slowly, like a cat beginning to pounce on its prey. Putting Christa on your shoulder, you stood up and spun around, ready to face the oncoming danger. You grunted as you kicked that Titans teeth in with you crystalline armoured foot. The Titan's neck cracked and it's crouch weakened as its knee buckled in response to the impact. It was dazed from your aggressive action. Red started to swirl in your (eye_colour) eye.

You stomped on the Titans neck, successfully killing it. As your (eye_colour) eye started twinkling red, you kicked the Titan repeatedly. Something in you snapped at that moment, your drive to protect Christa became something of a mother bear protecting her cub. You were just so angry that something wanted to kill Christa. Something wanted to kill your human.....

You screamed a raspy roar as you punched the tree you were resting on beforehand. The trunk rippled with energy and leaves fell off the branches and onto your head. The Titans body was dissolving and Chista was astonished. She had witnessed you brutally murder one of you own kind for her.

"(Name), calm down. It's ok now...." She spoke in a gentle tone. You glanced at her as your strong body shook. Stressed whimpers left your body as tears brimmed your eyes. Christa gasped and hugged your warm neck, making you sob as the tears fell. The red had left your (eye_colour) eye and a blue tint stained them instead.

Why were you sad? You had killed plenty of your own kind to protect humans in the past, so why did this bother you now? You gazed down at your clenched hand and saw the steam ascending from the open sores. Perhaps it's because you were scared of your emotional strength? Or maybe it was because you scared Christa......

~~~~~At the meeting room of the squad leaders~~~~~

Betcha weren't expecting this >:D

Four figures sat at a small table in the commanders office. Commander Erwin/Commander Eyebrows himself was seated next to Captain Levi/Captain Shorty/Captain Clean who was currently massaging his temples out of frustration, while the quiet blonde sniffer known as Mike/Michael the Bikel was seated next to the Hange the Titan Fanatic with multiple photos in her grasp.

"Squad leaders," the commander addressed the others at the table. They all looked at him.

"I have called this meeting so we can discuss the current situation involving the second female Titan and the missing soldier we lost that day" His blue eyes glinted in the candlelight.

"She has probably been eaten already," spoke the irritated captain, staring at the window in boredom of the sudden meeting.

"That female Titan shared similar, rare characteristics with one of the best soldiers in Mikes squad," Hange hinted. All heads were turned to the quiet man. He looked up and sniffed briefly.

"You mean (Male_full_name)?" Mike questioned, remembering the strength and determination in the muscular man who had outshined the rest of his subordinates.

"Precisely, no other soldier I've seen before has a red eye and a (eye_colour) eye, they both had (hair_colour) hair as well. I have reason to believe that they are linked in some way," Erwin spoke.

"Erwin, that is stupid. How on earth could a Titan be linked with that tall idiot that has a maximum of two brain cells? Honestly I don't know why you still keep him around, he's a nuisance," The captain spat, crossing his arms.

"Levi, you shouldn't be so harsh on him, (Male_name) is a good soldier yet you seem to pick on him the most. Do I detect something hidden beneath those insults?" Hange inquired, earning no more than a scoff from the captain, "Erwin, we should organise another expedition to capture that Titan and possibly rescue the missing soldier!" The brunette woman proposed. Erwin looked at Mike and Levi, wanting to hear their thoughts.

"Fine, as long as we don't stay too long as I have work to do," Levi sighed.

"If you think it's a good idea, then I'm perfectly fine with it," Mike spoke softly to the commander. Erwin nodded and dismissed the squad leaders. He grabbed one of the photos of you that Hange left behind and studied your face.

What is so important about you?

Short chapter UwU, I am back from the hell known as senior year, how are you?

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