||Party Time||

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The rest of the week went by fast. Cameron introduced himself to my mom and I think my mom is basically in love with him. Weird right? Well guess what today is... Friday..yay.. Catch that sarcasm? Thankfully today, school went by super fast. I was at my locker getting my things to walk home today with Liyah, when Cameron and Daniela came to my locker.

"Bro, tonight is gonna by lit!" Cameron said with excitement in voice.

"Right bro!" Daniela said. Then they did that weird boy handshake.

"You excited Kiara?" Daniela says with a smirk.

"Not really. This is my first party, usually on Friday nights I stay home and study." I replied nervously.

"Your cute when your nervous." He said nudging me with a smile.

I blushed like a tomato.

"Shut up." I said. It was the only comeback I could say.

"Hey gurrrlll!" I heard Liyah shout running up to me, her fiery red hair flowing while came to stop.

"Hey, you ready?" I asked slinging my book bag over my shoulder.

"Ready for what?" Cameron being nosey, like always asked.

"We're walking to my place, so I can do this girls makeup." She said pointing her thumb to me.

"We should all walk home today then!" Cameron said grinning widely.

Walking home was a thing Liyah, and I did a lot. It was only like a five minute walk. (We lived very close to school.) All of us, including Daniela lived in the same neighborhood, but Daniela rode a different bus. Reason why? I have no idea.

"Umm.. Idk, but I can't really stop you from walking so.. If you want to join us you can." I finally said.

"Well than, let's start walking!" Cameron said eagerly.

"Ugh." Liyah and I groaned in union.

The walk was horrible. Daniela and Cameron kept jumping every other sidewalk square, and Liayh was just talking about how much she wanted to straighten my hair and do my makeup.  I really hate makeup, heels, and the thought of me in a dress probably makes me want to throw up.

"Well, this is mine bye guys!" Liyah yelled as we walked up the pathway to her front door.

"Alright, I'll pick you guys up around 8." Cameron yelled while waving goodbye.

"He sooo likes you, Kiara!" Liyah squealed.

"He sooo doesn't, Liyah!" I mimicked. "Besides even if he did , but I highly doubt that, I don't think I like him."

"Yeah sure whatever. Well if you don't, you think I can.." She trailed off.

"Umm... Uhh." I muffled nervously.

"See! You do like him." Liyah said with a bright smile.

"..idk.. I really don't know." I said nervously. Truth is I think Cameron is a nice guy, but he's a player and I really don't wanna get hurt.. Again.

"Alright I'll at least take that, now come on." She said heading up the stairs.

"Wait what it's only 4:00, and there picking us up at 8." I said.

The Self-Conscious Girl, and Big Ego BoyWhere stories live. Discover now