||Hurry up!||

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"Hurry up, or you're gonna miss your bus!" My mom yelled.

"I'm almost done!" I yelled back.

I rushed brushing through my thick curly hair, and looking in the mirror and hating what I see, I looked away putting on my favorite pink American Eagle sweatshirt. Thinking about what my mom said about me missing my bus.

"I see it coming up the street!" She shouted.

I ran down the stairs with my backpack in one hand, and my shoes in the other. I threw my backpack down to put on my shoes hopping on my right leg to put my left shoe on.

"I can't miss the bus on my first day back to school." I grumbled to myself.

"Come on you can do it!" He said. (I'll never think about or say his name ever again.)
"Ummm... I don't know, this seems kinda.. Dangerous!" I replied back nervously.
"Stop being such a bitch for once, and just jump!"
"Fine!" I gave in easily.
As I jumped flying off the cliff, and hitting the cold water all I could think was.. "Am I a bitch now?"

*Flashback over*
"You got that right, and I'm not gonna drive you to school either. Miss the bus, and your walking." My mom said

"Thanks. Your being a really good mom considering the fact that 4 months ago I was lying on a hospital bed." I said sarcastically.

"I know, vote for me for mom of the year!"

"Bye Mom." I laughed as I gave my mom a kiss on the cheek and ran out the door before my bus could leave.

"Man, track really did pay off." I said to myself.

I got on the bus getting a seat right in the front mentally giving myself a high five for not missing the bus. I was still celebrating in my head before my thoughts were interrupted by the smell of  a strong use of Victoria Secret perfume. Along with someone's nasty attitude.

"Ew.. I see your back." She spat.

Victoria Scott. The schools biggest bitch and the brattiest person in the world. I've known her since preschool and she's always been a bitch since then. Her straight blonde hair, skinny waist, perfectly tan-flawless skin, and somewhat rich parents made people envy her. Today she was wearing the skinniest jeans I've ever seen in my life and a tight white t-shirt with a very low v-cut.

"Lesbo alert. Stop checking me out you perv!" She said laughing, and all of her other friends joined in laughing as well.

"First of all she's not a lesbian, and if she was she certainly wouldn't be one for you. You basic ass whore!" My best-friend Liyah, basically shouted coming on the bus.

Liyah Dortch. The greatest person in the world! She's been my friend since 3rd grade but I feel like I've known her forever! She has the feistiest attitude I cold ever imagine, and fiery red hair to back it up.

"Whatever." Victoria said rolling her eyes and walking away, and of course her posse did as well.

"Oh my goodness! I missed u so much! I'm so glad your back, ugh school was horrible without you!" Liyah said while pulling me in for a hug.

"I missed you too, and it couldn't have been that bad."

"Yes it was! So many boys asked me out. Like what the frick? Ew!" She said disgustingly.

"And that's a bad thing because?" I said accentuating the last word.

"They were all just horny 9th graders!"

"Oh well that's what you get for being that pretty!" I said to her.

Liyah was just... I don't know what's the word? PERFECT! She had red hair as I mentioned before, the only thing that was on her face.. Besides eyes and nose ect. We're freckles, not too much not too little. She had b cups that fit her  skinny body perfectly, and the greatest smile ever!

"Shut up" she said while rolling her eyes. "You know your really pretty too!" She said with a smile.

I coughed chocking on my spit, and hit her in the arm laughing like a lunatic.

Me. Pretty? Hah, that's funny. I have thick curly hair, and I look like a giraffe. I'm tall I guess. And my cup size? Couldn't tell yah cause I'm basically flat chested. I guess you could say I'm pretty skinny, with a light honey skin completion, and a small butt.

My laughter stopped when something.. I mean someone caught my eye as I looked out the window I guess Liyah noticed so she flew out her seat, to the only seat left which was across from where I was sitting and I just looked at her confusingly.

"Why did you do that?" I asked her.

"This is the only seat left on the bus." She gestured her hand back "So I took it so-"

"Hey, all the other seats on the bus are taken so I was wondering if I could sit with you?"

"Uh.. Shdgzj." I opened my mouth shockingly and mentally slapped myself in the face.

I can't believe I just did that a cute guy standing right in front of me and I say blabberish? What is wrong with me!

"She means sure." Liyah said saving my  morning once again.

"Yeah.." I said nervously and quickly looked out the window.

I felt my seat shift knowing he sat down and I quickly glanced.. Scratch that basically stared at him. He was such a beautiful creation. He had green eyes, and short curly hair, his skin tone was like mine but a tint bit darker. I just wanted to jump on him.... Yeah I'm sounding a little bit creepy

He noticed me staring at him, and his cheeks turned a little bit red. I guess he knew he was blushing so he licked his lips. Trying to be all seductive and such. Other girls would fall for it but it made me a little bit un interested.

"I'm Cameron by the way." He said, his green eyes sparkling.

"Hi I'm Kiara." I said nervously looking down.

"Umm can I ask u a question?" Cameron said.

HEYYY THIS IS MY FIRST BOOK! I really hope you guys enjoy it it's kinda short but I'll try to make my other chapters longer and I'll include pictures of the characters but just know that Kiara is Zendaya!!!!!

The Self-Conscious Girl, and Big Ego BoyWhere stories live. Discover now