Never Gonna Be Alone

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Her father died when she was a young girl from war and she never have to do anything like a normal daughter would with her father. On her wedding day 20 years after her death she visits all the times she could have shared with her daddy. RenesmeexEdward

Inspired By: Never Gonna Be Alone By NickelBack Video

Words: To many :) 


Genre: Family/Hurt/Comfort



Renesmee’s POV

He died when I was five fighting for our country. I remember my mother telling me that my father would not be returning home. We cried together for about 3 hours. Mom never did move on. I had wished so many times my father would have been there for me.



Getting my license

Going to Pre-school for the first time

Going to the father-daughter dance with Mom

Anything. When I was 7 years old and in first grade there was a father daughter dance and all of my friends we are going to with their daddy’s but I did not have one. Uncle Jazz told me he would go with me if I wanted him to but I told him I did not. I went to the dance with my mother that night of the dance and everyone stared at me weirdly. They all whispered how my daddy was probably a deadbeat dad who did not want to deal with me and left, I was so mad!

It had only been 2 years since his death at the time, and Mom was still coping with his death, we all were. She told the other mother that was there that her husband had died fighting for our country and the mother (who was the cook) felt so bad for us. She instantly told the other people my father was not a dead beat he was DEAD! That he had served for our country and died doing so, they all immediately felt bad.

I wish my father could have been there, I know if he could be here, he would be here any second to help me to deal with these things. My mother had put me in dance because I was graceful like my father at the age of eight, my first dance recital was supposed to be a hit, but it was not. I did perfect and my mother was proud of me but my father was not there.

All my teachers and students knew my father was dead but they left a spot open just for him, if I woke up from a dream and none of this was real.  My mother had told me when I was younger; my father was supposed to come home the next week and would not be going back into the army. Mom said I should have had a sibling if my father had not died; they were going to try for another baby! I could have had a baby brother or sister within the year if my father had not passed on. I wish he had not.

My first school play, the same thing happened, open spot where no one could sit but my father. I was devastated and wished so many times he would be alive again but he just was not. It was not coming true and I was pissed off! Why did this have to happen to me? Why did my father have to die from the war? Why couldn’t any body else’s dad die from the war instead of mine?

Why me? My father was everything to me, my parents had me as teenagers and they struggled, one reason my father went to war. He was in the war for 3 years, 3 years before he was killed! Three god damn years!! Why did he have to die *cries*?

I remember when I scraped my knee from trying to learn to ride my bike alone it was a terrifying night.


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