Ch 7 Stories

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They arrive at the graveyard where Fritz was buried.

"Hey, can you guys leave me for a while please?" Gilbert asked. Eliza and Ludwig agreed and went a little far from where they were. Gilbert was on his knees so he wouldn't have to stand even with the walking stick.

"Father.. I lost some of my memories while you were gone. I can't remember how to walk, I can't remember West's name, I can't even remember who my childhood friend was." He paused, taking a deep breath. "But I remembered you. And always will. I felt really sad that you're gone.. Father, please look after me. I love you." he spoke calmly although tears fell from his eyes non-stop.

The two came back to him and comforted him. "West.. how long has it been?" He asked, not looking at Ludwig. "It's been five years. He died the day before you got in that accident." He told. "Brother, that day when it happened, I really thought I'd lose you. But Eliza and the others helped me keep my hopes up." He continued. "And we never thought about losing you during that five years." Liz added.

Gilbert smiled, "Thank you for everything.. I love you guys so much." He wiped his tears.

They helped Gilbert stand up then walk towards the car. Ludwig started the engine and off they go. "So.. that house we're living in is the old house, right?" Gilbert asked. "Yes." Ludwig answered. "Hey, Liz. Can you tell me what I was like when I was younger?" He asked again. "Sure. But do you really wanna know?" She asked back. Gilbert nodded.

"Back then, you were reaaally annoying to the point that I really want to beat you up. And you used to call yourself 'The Awesome Gilbert'. Everything you said either has the word awesome or unawesome, which is not a word." Eliza told. Gilbert laughed while listening to her. "But even though your attitude is like that, your personality is different. You were very caring towards your little brother here." Ludwig blushed, focusing on the road as she kept telling the story.

"When Ludwig was born, I saw you crying tears of joy. And that was the very first time I saw you cry. But then you bragged to everyone in school about your 'Awesome cute little brother'. You had quite a lot of close friends at school, despite that attitude of yours. A group of 8 to 10 including me, I think. But sometimes, I saw you walking alone when coming home. So I tried to catch up with you."

"We both loved to play wooden swords, back then. We used to chase each other at dusk until night comes. We laughed at each other's joke, when you need a shoulder to lean on, I was there for you. And when I need it, you were there too. You made me me a promise once.. that you won't forget all the memories that we had.. but..." Eliza's smile turned into a frown.

Gilbert realised what she was talking about and felt a little guilty. "Liz.. I'm so sorry." He pulled Liz to his embrace. Liz was quite shocked and was blushing madly. "Aa.. ah, it's okay. Really." She stuttered. He let go. He laughed a little, looking at her red face. Eliza turned the other way. "Thanks for the story, Liz. But, how did we became friends?"

"A year before Ludwig was born, I moved in to this small little town. We were about five years old. The second day I was there, you came to my house with your father, introducing yourselves. We did as well and my mom told me to go and play with you. So I did. You asked for my name and said I had an awesome name which made me blushed a lot. We played the same thing until seven years later, when we were thirteen, I had to move to Hungary with this new kid who moved in five years earlier. His name was-"

"Roderich Edelstein..." Gil cut her off. Memories started entering his mind. A part of him doesn't really want those memories but he accepted it anyway. Gilbert felt a headache. "Can you stop this thing, please?" He asked his brother. Ludwig pulled off quickly. Gilbert got out of the car and let out everything, vomiting it out. Eliza and Ludwig got out of the car. In case you're wondering, they're at the road in the hills or something like that.

Eliza rubbed his back, helping him to let it out. Gilbert felt weak after all that was.. out. "Brother, are you okay?" Ludwig asked. "Yea.. I'm just stressed a little." Eliza gave him a bottle of water to wash it off. They got back into the car.

Silence was all they could hear along that trip.

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