Ch 6 The Truth

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Gilbert woke up early that morning. No one was in the room so he turned in the tv.

"Good morning people! As always, we have a special guest! Please give a big hand to Professor *****! So, professor, what are you gonna talk about today?"
"I'm gonna talk about types of amnesia.." they continued their conversation for about 30 minutes.. "this causes the person to forget how to eat, speak or even walk."

Gilbert's eyes were stuck on the screen until Eliza walked in. She looked at him with confusion. "What are you watching?" She asked. No response.. She shrugged. "So.. Your brother is gonna come to visit you today."

Still no response.

After about 5 seconds, he finally realized what she just said. "Seriously? That's great!" He cheered. Eliza laughed. "What were you watching, really?" She asked. "Oh, just some show about a guy who talks about amnesia." He said. She laughed even more which left a confusion to Gilbert. "I'm sorry, it's just so rare for you to watch something like this." She said.

"Umm.. Eliza, can I ask you a favor?" He asked. "Of course, what is it?" She asked back. "When I watched the show just now, the professor guy said that some people who had amnesia can forget how to walk, eat or talk. I'm very grateful that I can still talk but.. I'm not sure if I can walk. So, can you help me get up, please?" He said. Eliza was quite shocked that things like that can happen but she agreed to help him. "Sure. Here, hold my hand."

He reached to her hand with feet on the floor. He tried getting himself up, holding on to her and the hospital bed. He felt his body really heavy as he haven't stand up for so long but, he did. And he was happy. "Great, now try walking." She said. He lifted his right leg and moved forward. Although walking looked super easy, he felt like a baby this time as he almost fell. But Eliza caught him. She then told him to calm down before walking himself back to the bed.

Then, someone knocked on the door before walking in with three others. "Hallo." He greeted. "Ludwig, you're finally here!" Eliza said. Ludwig walked straight towards his brother and gave him a long hug. "West? Is this really you?" He asked, unfamiliar with his looks. "Yes, brother. It's me. I know I've changed a lot. But it's me.." he said before bursting into tears. Gilbert hugged him back and felt his warmth.

When they finally let go, Gilbert messed up Ludwig's hair so he would look like his old self. Ludwig was quite surprised by his actions. "Hey, stop it." He commanded. Gilbert chuckled, "Now there's the cute little guy!" He said. Ludwig smiled, fixing his hair.

"I guess you forgot about us, huh?" Antonio asked. "Yea.. I'm so sorry but I really don't recognize any of you. Can I know you guys better?" He asked, staring awkwardly at the Spaniard and the Frenchman. "Bien sûr~!" Francis answered in his language.

So they chatted with each other until he remembered someone, "Hey, West. Where's father?" He asked. That question brought Ludwig to shock. He took a glance at Eliza but received a "No, sorry." As she knew what he would ask. Ludwig stuttered. "Uhh.. I think I'll tell you later." He said. "Hmm.. 'kay then.. I guess."


A few days later..

Gilbert got released from the hospital. Ludwig drove them to their house.

Eliza helped him get out of the car and walk in since he still needs a little practice on walking. "Remember this house, Gil?" She asked, trying to improve his memory a bit. "I think so.. ah, since we're already home, where's father?" He asked. He's been worried about Fritz all this time.

Ludwig sighed in hesitation, "Brother, I don't know how to say this without letting you down since you still needs to recover but... father.. is gone." He told. Gilbert was shocked, his whole body was shaking. "N.. no way.. West, you don't mean it, do you?" He asked, still can't accept the fact that was given.

"I mean it.. He's dead." Ludwig said, don't know wether it's a good thing to say in such a situation. Gilbert trembled. "H.. how? When? Why?!" He asked, tears rolled from his eyes. Eliza sat beside him, trying to comfort him by rubbing his back, telling him to let it all out. Ludwig felt really guilty. "Brother.. I'm really sorry." He apologized. "I..It's not your f.. fault. I overreacted." He said. "Gil, if you'd like to, we can go visit him tomorrow." Eliza offered. He just nodded.

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