Ch 9 Birdie

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Ludwig took his brother and Eliza for a little tour around the town. "Oh, there's Mattie's house! Let's go there!!" Gil shouted. "Okay, okay. I heard you." Ludwig said, driving towards the Canadian's house.

Gil walked towards the door and push the doorbell.

No answer.

He tried again.

Still no answers.

"Hello? Mattie? It's the Awesome me!" He yelled. "Maybe he's not home." Liz thought. "Hmm.. you're right." He agreed. But right after that, a car parked beside Ludwig's. The owner got out of the car only to express a shock on his face. He stuttered, "G...Gilbert!!!" He ran towards him, hugging him tightly. "Oh my god, I missed you so much!" He said, not letting go. Gil hugged him back. "I missed you too."

"Woah, you felt so boney. Haven't you eat a lot since you've got out of the hospital?" He asked with his whisper-like voice. "Of course I did. Who would resist West's cooking." He said, he raised his voice on the last part. Matthew giggled. "Hey, you also knew I was in the hospital?" Gilbert asked. "Almost the whole town did. But Ludwig said not to visit until you regain your memories." He told. "I see."

"Well, I don't want you to feel stressed. That's why I told him to do so." Ludwig explained. Matthew just smiled. "Ah, we have to go now. Sorry for not staying much longer." Gilbert apologised. "It's okay. Come again whenever you like~" Matthew said.

Gilbert sort of 'fanboyed' in the car. "What's got in to you?" Liz asked the red eyed man. "Didn't you see his face? He was SOOOO CUTE~!!!!!" Gilbert said. "I see.." she sighed. "H.. hey, that doesn't mean you're not-"

She sighed again.

"! I'm sorry. I mean it's not like-" he tried explaining. Eliza giggled, "I wasn't serious, idiot." Gil blushed, "Sheesh, stop making me feel guilty, it makes me feel guilty." "You're not making any sense at all." She laughed. He smiled. "You're cute too, tho." He complimented. "Thanks."



So how was your day?" Eliza asked. "AWESOME! Thanks for the Awesome day, you guys." He thanked. Ludwig smiled, happy to see that his brother was satisfied with the tour. "Bella's waffles were really delicious. Can we go there again for breakfast tomorrow?" He asked. Ludwig nodded.


"Psst, Liz!" Gilbert whisper-yelled to the woman sleeping on their couch. She woke up. "Huh? Gil, what do you want?" She asked, half asleep. "I can't sleep. Can we talk about stuff until I fall to sleep?" He asked. Liz grunted and sighed.. "Okay." She said as she got up.

"What do you wanna talk about?" She asked. "I'm sorry. I know you're tired but, can I asked what happened to Roderich?" Gil asked, curious. Eliza went silent for a while, thinking how to answer the question. "He... he got a job over there after university but the company he was working for sent him to Austria. He asked me if I would come along since I was his.. you know.. that time. So I said sure. Then, that night when I was packing my bag and stuff, he texted me, telling me to get out of the house. I did as told but I didn't expect something like what he did would happen.." she explained. Gil listens intensively.

"What happened?" He asked.

"He asked me... to marry him." She let out. Gil was quite shocked by that guy's behavior. "Hey, you don't need to panic, I didn't say yes. I rejected him and told my mom that I wanna move back. Now, here I am, watching over my sick boyfriend." She said in sarcasm. Gilbert chuckled. "You're cute, Liz. Now let's go to sleep." Gil pulled her by the waist. "H... hey! I... I was supposed to sleep on the couch!" She struggled . "Nope, that couch is old and hard. You're sleeping with me now." He commanded, pulling her into his embrace and hugging her while pretending to sleep.

Full of tiredness, she just sleeps along with him.

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