Where am I?

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Lucy P.O.V

I woke up the next morning to a load knocking at the door. My Mom ran to the door so it would not wake my Dad. "Can I help you officer?" my Mom asked. "Yes we are looking for Lucy Marie Busher?" the police officer said. "Why, what's wrong?" My mother asked. "We got a call early this morning that there was yelling last night and they said they think the child here is being abused?" the police officer said. "Can we just see the child and if everything seems fine you can move on with your day." the other officer said. Then my Mom saw me up at the top of the stairs and told be it was alright and just to come down and see the officers. I walk down and they just smile at me. "Hey sweetie can you come with us to the police station?" One of them asked. I stayed behind my Mom she said it was alright and to listen to them. "They took me to their car and took my to the station. 

(At the Station) 

"You can sit right her sweat heart while we run some test okay?" One of the officers said. I sat on the chair and my legs where hanging over I was kicking my feet back and forth, then a lady officer came and sat next to me and smiled. "Hey there sweet heart, what is a pretty young lady like you doing here?" She asked. "I don't know?" I said shyly. "How about you come to my office and watch cartoons?" the lady officer said. "YES PLEASE!" I yelled. She laughed and told the people at the desk that if anyone needed me I was in her office. She then took my hand and led me to her office it was big with a big screen T.V and couch. She picked me up and put Tom and Jerry on and I watched. After 5 minutes of watching T.V she came over and watched with me. She then said I could call her Jane. We sat there laughing at the T.V for 20 minutes then the two officers that brought me here asked me to go with them. I said bye to Jane and went with them. They brought me to this small room and asked me questions. I answered all of them easily, then they said I had to go for a body inspection. So I went and sat on this table then the one of the officers came and started to unzip my PJ's I started to cry and scream. "PLEASE DON'T I'M SORRY! PLEASE DON'T! STOP!, HELP!"   "Sweetie everything is okay we just need to make sure your body is healthy" the officer said. "NO!' I protested. "We need to do the body inspection." he said again. "I want Jane! JANE! JANE! JANE!" I yelled I started to cry. "Go get Jane NOW!" the officer said to the other officer.  "What is everything okay?" Jane asked walking in the door. "No she won't let us give her the body inspection" the man said. "Jane!" I yelled happily and I ran into her arms. "Hey Girly, we really need to do the body inspection will you let me do the body inspection?" Jane asked. I looked around and whispers in her ear "Only if they go.".  Jane told the other male officers to leave. She then sat me on the table and looked at me and told me "Everything is going to be alright it's only you and me." She started to unzip my PJ, She first saw my tummy all bruised and swollen and gasped. She looked at me in the eyes and touched my tummy I whimpered in pain. "I'm so sorry baby" she said and then kissed my head. She then turned me around and looked at my back the same there, she then asked me "Who did this to you?" "Daddy" I said looking down ashamed. "Honey has he ever hurt you in any other way?" she asked. "Yeah he has a snake that he put's inside me and it makes me bleed sometimes." I said. Jane then looked at me and said "It's all over,sweetie you don't have to go back there" "NO! I want my MOMMY!" I protested "I'll get you your Mommy let's just get you to my office okay?" 

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