Welcome Home

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Lucy's P.O.V

Justin just finished signing the adoption papers so I was able to leave. I ran up to my room and grabbed my suitcase and bear and ran down stairs to meet Justin. 

Justin: "Got everything sweetie?"

I just nodded and he put his hand out, I put my hand out slowly, he just smiled and lead me to his car.

Justin: "I had a feeling I was going to get a little girl so I bought a car seat, here up we go.

Justin placed me in the seat and laughed at how I had no emotion and he bucked me in and he drove home. 

As we where driving home he put on the radio and he started to hit the wheel to the rhythm he then looked back at me and saw I was staring out the window and he asked if I liked music, I just stared at him thought the mirror. He then looked back at the road. 

(5 mins later) 

We finally got to Justin's house as he unbuckled me and placed me on the ground I looked up to see a big mansion. Justin then picked me up and put me on his hip and walked towards the house. As soon as we got inside I saw how big it was.

Justin: "It's big, right?"

I just nodded. 

Justin: "Do you wanna see your room?" 

Lucy: "Yes please." 

He smiled 

Justin: "You know that's the first word you've said to me right?"

Lucy: "Sorry,please don't be mad." 

Justin: "Honey why would I be mad, it's okay that your shy I would be too."

Just as Justin finished his senteance he was at the top of the stairs.

Justin: "This is my room right here so if you ever need me i'll be in there, and this is your room." 

Justin opened the door and I saw a big cinderella carriage that was my bed he put me down and I looked at him.

Justin: "What are you doing? I know you wanna run up to the bed and jump!"

I smiled and just stood there.

Justin: "Come on i'll help you!" 

Justin grabbed me and through me on the bed and we started to jump. After about 5 mins of jumping we both layed down flat on the bed then my tummy growled. 

Justin: "What was that?" Justin said while smiling and looking at my tummy.

Lucy: "Nothing."

Justin: "Lucy don't lie I don't allow lieng in my house and I will NOT allow it form you, if your hungry just say so and I'll cook you something okay?" 

Lucy: "Okay I'm sorry." 

Justin: "I'll be right back I'm going to get the maid so she can cook us something." He smiled.

I just layed myself on the bed with my legs spread apart and my arms over my head. Justin then called me down for dinner. I just stayed laying on the bed because I knew he would come up and punish me for lieing.

Justin's P.O.V

Justin: "LUCY DINNER IS READY!"  I called from down stairs. 

I yelled again, I was getting mad but I knew she was only 5 so.

I ran up to her room and saw her laying on the bed.

Justin: "Lucy sweetie I said dinner is ready." 

Justin Bieber adopted meWhere stories live. Discover now