Chapter 1. Riley

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"High school sucks," I complain, throwing my backpack on the nearest chair, but of course no one's listening. I trudge into the kitchen and grab an apple off the counter and run upstairs to my bedroom. It's only my first day of my senior year and I already hate it. I thought this year would be different, but I was horribly wrong. It's still the same, I'm the biggest weirdo to attend this horrid school, and everyone seems to have the need to remind me every five seconds. It sucks.

My door slowly opens a bit and my orange tabby cat Theo walks in and jumps on my bed. I begin petting him behind his ears; his favorite place to be pet.

"Hi Theo, how was your day?" I ask him, smiling. Seeing him always brightens my day.

"Mew," he replies, purring. He's now lying next to me and playing with my hand. I laugh at his adorable attempts to catch my fingers. I get up and walk to my bookshelf that's resting against my blue painted wall. I decide to read one of my favorite books; The Outsiders by S. E. Hinton. I sit down at my desk with Theo on my lap and begin reading.

About an hour later, there is a knock at my door. I turn to see my mother standing in my doorway.

"Dinner's ready, please come downstairs." She says before disappearing down the hall. I put my book mark in to save my page and place the book to the side of my desk. I then turn to Theo who's lying on my lap. I feel bad disturbing him, but I pick him up and place him gently on my bed.

"Sorry Theo, I have to go eat. I'll feed you when I'm finished." I tell him, patting his head. He stretches then falls back asleep. I go downstairs and sit in my seat. My mother and brother sit in silence as I stare at my food. I begin eating after a few minutes.

"So how was your first day of school boys?" My mother asks us, more directed to my brother.

"Pretty good, football try outs are next week," my older brother Alex says between bites of his hamburger.

"That's great dear. I'm so glad you decided to stay local with college so you can stay home." My mother says, messing up his hair. My mom and brother have a really close bond, something I've never had with either of them- or anyone for that matter. Unless you count Theo, but I don't see why you would.

"What about you Riley, how was your first day?" My mom asks me, not really seeming all that interested.

"Same as every first day I guess," I reply quietly.

"That's nice dear," she answers. I knew she wouldn't care. I quickly finish my food, put my dish in the dish washer, and hurry upstairs. I bring Theo downstairs and into the laundry room. I fill his food bowl and switch out his water for clean, cool water. Once he's finished I grab him and hurry upstairs. I change into my pajamas, grab my book off my desk, and hop into bed. I turn my reading lamp on and gesture Theo to come on the bed with me. He curls up into a ball next to me and begins to purr. I begin to relax as I continue reading and soon I drift off into a deep sleep.

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