Chapter Twenty-One - What Became of the Likely Lads

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A/N: This is the song the books is named after (What became of the likely lads by the Libertines). Its amazing!

Cas (POV)

It was a date. I hadn't even realised when we had organised it but the whole thing seemed like a date to me. I felt so awkward as I looked across the table at my colleague and stared at him as if he was some kind of spider.

"Um, are you okay?" He asks, sipping on some wine. "You look kind of... freaked out or something."

"Is this a date?" I ask quickly, wriggling in my chair slightly. James smiles and rubs the back of his neck awkwardly.

"That obvious huh?" He asks. "Look, i'm sorry. I've been trying to keep it casual- wait, where are you going?"

"I- i'm really sorry. I have to go." (He starts sticking breadsticks in his purse.... naaaah im kidding haha)

"What? Why?" James looked up at me with a pained face.

"Look, it's not you. Its me. I've just come out of a really long... marriage. The divorce hasn't even gone through yet and i'm just really not ready to get back into the flow of things, James."

"Oh." Jame says, nodding his head every so slightly. "Oh i see, well... i'll see you around i guess."

"I'm so sorry."


I quickly walk out of the restaurant, my heart hurting in my chest. I felt so bad for James, just leaving him like that. I just seriously wasn't ready to "get with anyone" currently, I was still trying to get over my failed marriage with my best friend. Best friend. It hurt to say it like that, because we had always said to each other we would be best friends first and forever, husbands after that.

I hear a clap of thunder above my head and look up grimacing as soon as large droplets fell onto my face.

"Great." I mumble to myself, sniffing slightly and trying to hold the tears in. "Just my luck."

I wrap my coat tighter around me, shivering against the cold rain now pouring down, making my hair stick to the top of my forehead. I sniff again and sort of thank the rain for hiding the tears that I had accidentally let slip out of my eyes. I kick a pebble on the pavement, sticking my hands in my pockets and glare slightly at the ground.

"What did that rock ever do to you?" I heard an all too familiar voice from beside me and quickly spin around to see him. He was leaning against the wall, arms crossed over his chest outside of a bar.

"Hello dean." I try and say in my most cool voice but I couldn't slip it past him.

"Are you crying?" He asks suddenly, concern dripping in his voice. I quickly rub my nose and shake my head.

"No of course not." I say a little to fast and he frowns at me. "I mean..." There was not point in lying to Dean, he had known me my whole life and he would know exactly when I was lying.

"Bee?" He asks softly, I don't get mad at the nickname this time, my face just scrunches up and I sob out loudly. He steps forward quickly into the rain and he pulls me into a hug, wrapping his strong arms around my weak body. "Cas what's wrong?"

"I- I went on that date-" I begin and he quickly holds me at arms length, annoyance written on his face. I stare back and open my mouth to argue with him about him leaving me but he cuts me off.

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