7- Up And Away

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Today was Friday.

I couldn't believe I was leaving home.

I grabbed my luggage and headed towards the main entrance of the airport, my family trailing behind me. I entered through the doors and a wave of sadness hit me.

I'm going somewhere where nobody knows me.
I'm not going to see my friends.
I won't be home.

I heard someone sniffle behind me. I turned round and saw my mother in tears. She quickly made an effort to wipe them away but the tears just kept flowing. She grabbed me and hugged me like I was dear life itself. I hugged her tightly back. My vision went blurry for a second before I started crying. Even after all the things she'd done, I'll still love her.

Next I went over to my sisters. They forced a smile and hugged me like I was someone infected. My sisters where never really there for me and never cared for me.

My thoughts where hushed by a voice coming from the intercom.

"Flight 279 flying to London is now boarding"

I hugged my mother one more time. "I'm sorry. Be safe," she whispered, probably regretting her decisions.
"I love you," I whispered back.

I took my luggage and gave my ticket to the lady at the desk.

I walked onto the plane and tried to find my seat. I had seat 12A so that meant I had a window seat. I loved window seats because you can see so much beauty beneath you, which to me is absolutely breath-taking. I found my place and put my luggage in the over head compartment. I sat down and took out my phone. I found a message from my mum wishing me a safe flight and to call her when I land. I responded with a quick thank you and put my phone on airplane mode.

Suddenly, laughter could be heard from the front of the plane. I looked up to see what all the racket was and saw a very familiar group of teenagers. They were the same people I met at the park when I pretended to be their exchange family and get them out of trouble. I quickly put my head down when I noticed that guy who was messing with me last time, looking at me. I grabbed my bag and took out a book that I was currently reading. I could still hear the noise so I got out my headphones and started listening to some music. I could see shuffling from the corner of my eye but I didn't want to make any awkward eye contact. I focused on the letters neatly printed on my book and started bobbing my head slightly to the beat of the music.

A few moments later a tap came on my shoulder. I looked up, confused as to who would touch me. A grinning face was staring at me.

"Aren't you Dylan? The girl we met at the park?" He questioned, his eyes never leaving mine.

"Yeah, I am. You're Alexander, right?"

"That's right. What are you doing on a plane to England? Better yet, all alone?"

"Well turns out I'm going to a boarding school. This place called Saint Xavier's or something like that."

"Awesome, I get to see more of that pretty face of yours," he winked.

"What do you mean?" I asked, ignoring his last remark.

"Well dear Dylan, I am pleased to let you know that I am the principal's son at Saint Xavier's School. For your information, you're on my good side so school will be much more fun."

"Wait, you're Mr Williamson's son?"


I'm a really bad promise keeper if you haven't noticed.

So sorry I haven't updated but I'll try to more often.

Anyways, I hope you like my update xx

Don't forget to vote/comment and all that jazz xx

P.S. I took that pic and fell in love

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2016 ⏰

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