Rat: my cheese leave me alone asshole
Ox: yo mama so fat and I don't like her
Tiger: I go into work I say to my boss hello mr fat head he goes asshole
Rabbit: shut up I am only little I don't want no stress
Dragon: my name is toothless I am like a gummy shark doesn't have much teeth
Snake: where's my bloody tea you asshole sorry sweetheart I will hurt you back asshole
Horse: I don't say mean things fat head
Goat: I go out for tea with my four eyed friends
Monkey: I am a asshole like my father
Rooster: humans kill me so I am gonna kill them SILENCE OR I KILL YOU
dog: there's nothing wrong with me I just hurt you if you are an asshole
Pig: lol who cares about this shit well I do said my boss I don't give a shit what you say mate.