Cold Hearts P2

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"You packed sweetie?" My mom asked while getting out of the hotel shower

"Yeah mom! Just waiting for you to finish using my shaving cream!" I said while I finished painting my nails.

"Oh heck sorry Dall. I almost forgot." She said while throwing the bottle at me.

"Thanks for gently handing it to me mom.." I said placing it in my bag

I turned the small tv on and sat down on the hard bed of our hotel room. The picture on the tv was blurry and only had 10 channels. But sometimes a good show would be on. Today was not one of those days. I left on a random news channel and turned my phone on. It was the only thing my dad still paid for in my life. I had a text from my best friend Tracey

To: Dallas

From: Tracey

Hey baby girl. We all miss you. Especially Andrew(; Hope your trip to Cali is great. Don't forget to text me.!

XoXo Trace

I missed my friends so much. But I missed Andrew the most. He's my boyfriends and I loved him with everything I had. He helped me through everything I couldn't imagine my life without him! But I'm not to sure how our relationship is going to hold up with me moving to Cali and all. Especially since I was moving in with this guy named Kian. Andrew was pretty mad about that. But hey...who knows? We may pull through.!

"Dall I'm hungry.! Can you make me a sandwich?" My brother asked waking up from his nap

"Of course Jear.!" I said getting up and opening the mini fridge

I finished making Jeremy his sandwich and I looked in the mirror at myself. My hair had a natural wave in it my makeup was light and I was wearing my favorite pink ombré tank top and my cut off shorts. I looked ok. I mean I never really was a very attractive girl. But I made it by.

"Okay kids. Time to go.! Crystal paid for our flight so we just need a cab to the airport.!"

My mom called a cab up and as soon as it got to our hotel we were off. It wasn't too crowded in the cab since we only had 2 suitcases and my brothers pillow. We couldn't afford to keep everything. I decided to text Andrew and Tracey before we made it to the airport to tell them I was headed to Cali.

To: Tracey, Andrew


Hey guys. Just wanted to say that I'm on the way to Cali.! Text you guys when I arrive.! Love you both

Kisses, Dallas

It was going to be a long trip from Texas to Cali. But I was prepared.!


Hope you guys like it so far. Leave comments I guess. Don't you just love Dallas' name. Since she lives in Texas and all (: <33

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