Cold Hearts P5

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How could Kian be so mean? He obviously doesn't know what I've been through. I mean how would he feel if he was taken away from his friends and forced to live with his moms best friend and sharing a room with a dick. He wouldn't like it. But does he even stop to think about how that effects me? Of course not. He's some hot jerk who knows he's hot and makes ugly people feel even uglier than they already are. I mean...he is hot. His body. His hair. His eyes. That small smirk he gave me. Shit Dall get it together. He is the enemy. You will not fall for him. Once I got out the house I didn't know where on earth to go. So I walked around a bit. His backyard was huge. Complete with a pool and everything. I saw a swing across the way and decided to sit there and think. I mean I couldn't exactly get in the car and drive off. I didn't own a car. So the swing was the next best thing. I sat there for a while and took in the scenery. His house was gorgeous. And the way the wind felt against my skin gave me chills. We were close to the beach so I could smell the sea salt and hear the soft crash of the waves. It made me forget all about Kian. Until I heard his voice calling my name from the other side of the yard. FUCK.

"Hey Dallas...I've been looking everywhere for you. I thought I'd never find you.!" Kian said panting

"Maybe I didn't want to be found. Well by you any way." I said looking at my feet

"Oh come on. Forget about that ok? It was a mistake. I was mad at my mom. She wouldn't let my friends come over." Kian said trying to get me to make eye contact with him

"And that gives you the right to put me down? Ok Kian. Whatever." I say getting up from the swing

"Dallas...please. Don't go. I'm a fucking idiot. And I told a pretty girl something I completely regret. Just forgive me. Please." He says grabbing my arm before I can get away

I look him in the eyes and see that he's really sorry. He feels bad for what he said to me. And I mean I didn't exactly want to make an enemy of my roommate so

"What the hell Kian. I forgive you." I said smiling at him and looking into his soft chocolate eyes

He smiles and lets go of my arm, "Thanks Dallas. I don't deserve a second chance but you gave it to me. And I thank you for that.!"

"Oh by the way friends call me Dall." I said hoping he would get that I wanted to be his friend

"So were friends now? Whatever you say Dall" he said laughing and sitting down on the swing

"Come on...sit next to me. We should get to know each other." Kian said pointing to the swing next to him

I let out a small giggle and sat down next to him.

"So what do you wanna know about me Kian?" I say pushing the swing with my feet

"Well first of all...what's your favorite song? This is the ultimate test of awesomeness." He says in a serious tone

"Hahaha well uhm I don't really have one. All music is amazing. Every song has a different story behind it. Not one song is the same. Music is kind of like people...were all different and have different stories. And music is just as beautiful as people." I say looking down at my hands thinking Kian now thought I was a loser.

"That was the best answer I ever heard. I would've never said that!" Kian said looking happy with my answer

"Well thanks. Music is my everything right now." I said feeling pitiful

"What happened anyway? If you don't mind me asking?" He said looking away from me

"My dad, he lost his job and my mom didn't really have a job so we kind of got stuck. Then my parents started fighting all the time about money. And he left. Soon after he found a job. The only thing he pays for in my life is my phone. Crazy huh? No one in our family wanted to take us all in so we were stuck at cheap hotels. Then your mom came along and saved us. But I had to pick up the few things I did own and leave all my boyfriend was the hardest to leave." I said looking down feeling my eyes sting with tears. A feeling I was too familiar with.

"Oh gosh. I'm so sorry Dall. And then you come here and have to deal with me? Im so sorry. I didn't know things were this bad. I feel terrible.!" Kian said running his hands through his messy hair

"Kian it's fine. Don't stress about it. You didn't know." I said placing my hand on top of his.

He looked up at me, staring straight into my eyes. Me being the awkward person I am looked away really fast and placed my hand back on my lap.

"So why don't we go back in the house? Our mothers are probably clueless about what just happened." Kian said getting up from the swing, extending his hand towards me.

"You're probably right, haha" I laughed taking his hand getting up from the swing

Our walk back into the house was silent, and kind of awkward if you ask me. But I enjoyed it being awkward with him was ok because I knew he was ok with it too.

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