Cold Hearts P4

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"Kian start cleaning your room.! Our guests will be here around 5.!" Mom said from downstairs

This girl named Dallas was coming to live with us. Why couldn't she just live with her grandparents. Or can't she get a damn job? I mean she's fucking 17 time to grow up baby girl. Why should I have to clean my room? And why does she have to sleep in my damn room? She better be hot. Because if she's not I am not going to be a very happy person. A few hours passed and my room was looking great. I had just washed the sheets and they smelled amazing. I heard the door bell ring and I realized I hadn't taken a bath this morning, great. I sprayed some cologne on real fast and threw on my sweatpants over my boxers. I was shirtless but fuck it. I figured I should just stay in my room and wait. Didn't want to go down stairs and seem excited that they were here because everyone knows I'm not. I sat there for a few minutes before I heard soft footsteps coming up the stairs. She would be in here at any moment. My hands started to sweat and my stomach started to turn. How on earth was I nervous? I haven't even met this girl? After a while of thinking I realized I didn't hear footsteps anymore. Dumb bitch probably got lost. I figured I'd be a nice little boy and help her out. I got off my bed and opened the door. To my surprise a beautiful girl was staring right at me. The natural waves in her hair perfectly framing her petite freckled face. Her bright green eyes piercing my heart. Her small body looked fragile in her pink shirt and shorts. I looked at her face again and realized her cheeks were a soft pink color. She was blushing. I didn't really know how to act. Didn't want her knowing I thought she was attractive so I decided to play cold hearted.

"H-Hi I-I'm Dallas.." The girl said in a low whisper

"Yeah. I know who you are. I spent my entire day cleaning this damn room for you. Better not mess anything up. Your bed is on the right. You can put your clothes in the white drawers. Oh and don't touch my shit." I said walking past her

I went downstairs to grab a snack before returning to my room. Plus I figured I'd throw up all over Dallas if I said anything else to her. She makes me so damn nervous. My mom introduced me to the rest of Dallas' family and I thought it would be the perfect time to ask my mom if my best friend Sam could come over.

"Hey ma, do you think Sam could come over for a bit? I could introduce him to Dallas.!" I asked hopeful

"Kian I don't think that's a good idea for today. Maybe tomorrow. Let Dallas settle in first ok?" My mom said trying to keep her cool

That made me mad. If Dallas wasn't here Sam could come over. It's her fault. It's her stupid families fault. I don't want her to be here. She's ruining my life. I stormed upstairs to my room because there wasn't anywhere else I could go. I walked in and saw Dallas laying on her bed across from mine. I plopped down on the bed and took a deep breath. I couldn't afford to get mad. Terrible things happen when I'm mad. People get hurt.

"Hey. You ok?" She asked sounding worried obviously realizing I was upset

I sat up in my bed so I could look right into her eyes I panicked I didn't know what to say. But the worst thing I could ever say to a girl came out of my stupid mouth, "How would you feel if some ugly ass girl marched right into your life and was forced to live in your home? Wouldn't be too happy would you?"

Dallas looked hurt. What did I do now? I ruined everything. Her face turned bright red and her eyes filled with tears.

"Do you think I wanna be here with some dick with anger problems?" She said storming out of my room.

I just sat there for a few moments. Why am I such a fuck up? She's going to hate me forever. How am I going to explain this to my mom? Dallas' mom?

"FUCK.!!!" I screamed as loud as I could. I hated myself. I made the girl cry. I figured the least I could do is to go find her. She couldn't have gotten far on foot. I'd take my moms car and go look for her.


Don't really like this chapter. It's hard to write in a guys POV hope you guys like it more than I do. But isn't it so cute how Kian gets all nervous around Dall!!!! #Dian forever <3

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