Chapter 2

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Blood soaked bandages hugged her head as her ears rung. A tube ran from her left arm, the hunter had beaten her when she had regained consciousness. He had left her body crawling with wounds that would never heal. She could still hear him laughing, after each punch.

"Ru... Ru it's me," The voice comforted her, no it controlled her. "Ru, please tell me where Finn is, he's in danger." Ru, just tell him where Finn is. No he's going to use Finn to kill more innocent people. "Ru, there's a war going on out there, we need to get Finn to safety." "He is safe, Maddeth," she said with a sneer. She could see his fists reddening. She knew how to make him angry. After all, they had been child hood friends. "And how do you even know his name?" "I just do Ru," Sneering back at her. "Oh Ru, you haven't changed a bit in thirteen years." She was too weak for a comeback. "Just tell me where Finn is and I will forget about all the problems you've ever caused." His patience was running out. "You think I'll tell you where Finn is just so he can turn out like you?" "Now that wasn't very nice," Maddeth snarled. He picked up a small hand gun. He slowly lifted it to eye level, examining it in his hands. "Seems like someone needs to learn her place. Now do you want to tell me where Finn is?" Maddeth tried to keep a calm tone, he didn't want to be the one who killed his childhood friend. She had been there for him when no one else was. Ru had fought back for him when other kids had bullied him. This was the girl that had saved him. "No, I'll die knowing that he's safe from you." But he had a reputation to maintain. The old Maddeth was dead.

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