Chapter Six

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Bryn POV
How is it snowing its the middle of the summer. I stumble around looking for Kai." This is useless I won't find him " I told myself that he wasn't going to find me so I sat down against a tree and started to cry

Unknown POV
I see her sitting down wondering where he is. Just mentioning his name makes me want to rip his face off. How dare he take my little girl. I felt a hand on my shoulder "Calm down I can feel the anger radiating off of you...we'll get revenge soon" I nod my head "Your right I should. I'm sorry" we begin to walk away as he comes into sight but he doesn't see her yet "Stay safe my child we will come for you soon" I think leaving her with him is a bad mistake but my other half says it helps her grow. I nod they have something up their sleeve I know they do.

Bryn where could she be I told Jane and Jeremy that I would watch over her but how can I if I can't FREAKING FIND HER....I need to calm down I can't let her see me like this she'll freak and I don't want her to force shift. Shifting is painful as it is and I don't want to add to her pain of her first shift until she's ready. I trudge through the snow a little bit longer and I'm about to take a break a smell hits my nose" Bryn....BRYN WHERE ARE YOU...IT'S KAI I'M HERE " I know she probably won't be able to hear me but I smell them. They always treated her horribly..and now they want her back I scoff over my dead body

Bryn POV

I hear him. He's faint but he's there 'BRYN WHERE ARE YOU IT'S KAI I'M HERE '. I want to call out to him but my throat hurts from crying so much. I stand up and looks at my feet which are really really cold. I should put on my shoes 'oh yeah put shoes on while running for your didn't have time to' that's new maybe I'm just imaging things again. I start to walk to where I heard Kai and I see him and starts to walk to him. As soon as he sees me I run into his arms and hugs him."Bryn where were you...why are you out here... Did I scare you or something" I shake my head "Then talk to me " I look down at my feet and I hear him sigh and pick me up. " I see you forgot your shoes " he chuckles and he whispers " Classic Jenny" I hear that and doesn't ask anything about it

*Later That Night *

I got left in a room with big glass doors and a balcony. When we get to where ever the hell we are 'his house I'm assuming' he took me to the doctor and he told kai that I needed rest and warmth lots of warmth. I walked into the bathroom And saw a gigantic bathtub. My heart melted 'oh god grow up you sound like a child in a candy store' alright that's it I don't know what was going on, who it was,and I don't know what they want....I know what I want which is for this voice to leave me alone.

After I filled the tub with water I stripped and l looked at the bruises that suddenly appeared on my pale skin...I'm really pale but then again I haven't eaten anything today after my bath I'll find some food. I slip into the water and I relax. But the relaxation was cut short by a pain in my side and I cry out. What's happening I told the voice to leave me alone so all I was left was my thoughts. Another wave of pain hit and cracking and my screaming filled the room and Kai runs in "W-whats happening P-Please make it s-stop it hurts" he looks down and sighs " I can't its time for her to be let out and its time for her to share your body with her " More and more cracking sounds and my screams fill my ears. " just let go and sleep it will feel better " I do as he says and then it feels better and I start to freak out when I don't know what's going on then a hand touches my nose...wait it's a Snout now...." Hey shhh its okay your okay...I'm not going to hurt you" what happened ' finally I can tell you what's going on but right now I need control ' she whined at the last part and I nodded and she took control and took off. After five or six hours she finally got tired and layer down and I passed out after a little bit it gets cold and then warm as arms wrap around me picking me up and where our skin touched it sent tingles and sparks down my body. I was laid down on a bed and covered up but the warmth of the body never left along with the tingles and sparks. Exhaustion finally claimed me and I slept.

Hey peeps its finally gone my writers block is gone. If you have any questions or comments instant message me




Sorry about the confusion if you read chapter seven before six there was a problem with my internet so I didn't post

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