Chapter Seven

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I wake up the next morning sore and I stand up and starts to walk outta the room' are you forgetting something'  Kai stirred and looks at me then looks down. " Good morning " I smile and looks at him. He looks at the sheets "Good morning Bryn how are you?"  He smiles " I'm okay I'm sore for some reason" I look up him and bites my lip and looks in his eyes and blushes 'would you tell him to kiss  you or to touch your arm ' I shake my head 'no I won'tHe throws me a shirt. "You should put some clothes on you kinda didn't have clothes on when I found you" he blushes. I blush a deep red and takes the shirt and puts it on. He saw me naked " Um where's the bathroom" he points to a door. I nod and heads to the bathroom. I shut the door embarrassed. He saw me naked.....Naked. No one has seen me...before him at least.' Oh could you be anymore childish good god grow up' i shake my head " I've never let anyone see me not even my parents..not even when I was young" I hear a knock at the door " Bryn are you okay...who are you talking to?" I look at the door " No one I'm talking to myself and I'm fine." I hear him walk away  and I relax and opens the door and smiles. I start to walk out the bedroom door and I hear   a small snarl and I look back at Kai and his eyes are gold and reddish. I back into the door and I want to scream but I can't for some reason I feel safe even though he looks like he can hurt me. 'That's because he's........never mind"    I'm confused so confused but I look in his eyes and he comes closer and puts his arms on either side of me and he whispers " Your not going out dressed like that puts some pants on or I'll get you what you need" I nod my head " What do you need I'll get it for you" I nod my head "Some food please" he nods his head but we don't move. He slowly moves his hand down my side of my arm and I feel tingles and the voice starts going crazy ' it is. It is. Its him I'm so happy. Yes yes yes. I've waited so long for him to finally show back up again. I've missed him so much...I-I need to talk to him.... I need to touch him and feel him.... I mean we because we are now one whole person.Can you imagine what he could feel like under our hands and...' I cut her off  ' Okay enough I can't think with you rambling on and on. What are you even rambling about anyways'  She doesn't respond 'Come on tell me' she sighs ' I can't not yet..but i can tell you we will be very happy in our future' I mentally groan ' Okay whatever' Kai snaps his fingers in my face "Hello Bryn are you listing to me" I look into his eyes " yeah of course" He gives me a look " Oh really then what was the last thing I said" I look away  "Ummmm.....Well I wasn't listing. I'm sorry" I look down and sighs " Its okay...I'm going to get your food now I'll be back...don't leave this room" I nod my head and I move out of the way as he leaves the room and I get a good look around the room. This wasn't my room. I think this is his room. Its really beautiful. The drapes are a navy blue along with the sheets and and bedding stuff. 

Kai POV 

I think I scared her. I don't know why I got so possessive over her walking around in my shirt I smirk. Oh she probably smells like me..good then no one will try to touch her. My eyes turn my reddish gold color and one of the guards look at me and asks me 'whats wrong' "what do you mean whats wrong" he looks at me funny " your eyes sir they are gold that means your angry about something " I look at him and laugh " Oh no I was just thinking about something that would make me mad" He nods and takes off to his station and I head down to the kitchen and gets some food. I can't believe that she had no clue who she is. I don't even think she knows the truth. I shrug I'll have to tell her what I know but only when shes ready. I walk back to my room and knocks on the door to make sure shes decent. I don't hear a response but I do hear a grunting sound and the sound of glass breaking and I burst through the door. 

Bryn PO

His room is so messy  so I decided to clean  some things up. I didn't hear a knock at the door and i was trying to get the dresser off of a shirt really how does a dresser get on top of a shirt  ' It probably was left there when the dresser was put there'   I  groaned as I tried  key word being tried to lift the dresser and I ended up making a vase fall over and then the next thing I know is that Kai is bursting through the door. " Bryn are you.....What happened here" I start to pick up the glass " I was trying to clean up a little bit and the shirt was underneath the dresser and I tried to pick it up enough to get the shirt out from under it and the vase fell I'm sorry " I look down still picking up glass.  After he set the food down he bends down "Don't worry about it I'll have someone clean it up" He takes my hands and I feel tingles and I can see in hie eyes that he can feel them too. I want to kiss his big pouty lips and I smile at the thought ' Do it then nothing is stopping you.....JUST KISS HIM ALREADY BEFORE I DO ' I shake my head and leans in a little bit ' This is my first kiss what do I do' she doesn't respond. I lean in a little more 'Almost there just a little more and you'll be kissing him' He closed the gap and kissed me. As our lips touched sparks and tingles went down my entire body.

Hey peeps I hope you like the chapter and If you have any cast recommendations to Instant Message me and I'll add them in 






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