Not according to plan

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Nastu choked on his hot chocolate as he looked at the blonde who just slammed her hands on the table grinning madly at him.

"Are you ready to plan this thing!" Lucy beamed.

"Uh, what..."

She sighed deeply. "Natsu Natsu Natsu" she breathed shaking her head. "It's a good thing you're pretty"

"Eh?" Natsu cocked his head to the side. "Oh yeah, you mean..." He rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly.

"Yes THE WEDDING!" Lucy yelled gaining the attention of everyone near by.

Juvia and Erza walked over hand in hand.

"What's this about a wedding?" The redhead asked smugly.

"Yes we were just gonna start planning it!!"
"No it's nothing"
Natsu and Lucy said at the same time.

"Oh Natsu have a little more confidence, its your wedding after all aren't you excited?" The celestial wizard said encouragingly.

"What? No it's not that--I am excited it's just..." Natsu blushed a deep shade of red, "could we not
make it such a big deal?" He averted the girls eyes.

They were silent for a moment.

"Is someone nervous?!"




"Point proven" Gray said walking up from behind where he had scared Natsu.

"You--you--" Natsu sputtered recovering from his mini heart attack. Gray just calmly sat on Natsu's lap his drinking his hot chocolate.

"It's going to be at that spot by the river, and the whole guilds invited obviously, oh and I invited Lyon as well." Gray said deep in thought.

"Who knew Gray was so into this" Erza smirked.

Instead of being annoyed Gray simply shrugged. "I mean I had been thinking about it for a while now...oh Mira said she was going to make the cake"

Ezra's eyes lit up at the thought of cake.

"I want vanilla but this flamebrain probably wants..." Gray glanced around, "hey where is the hot head?" He was surprised he hadn't noticed Natsu shimmy out from under him.

"Oh he said he had to go home somewhere" Juvia replied.

Panic arose in Grays expression.
"D-Did he say where he went?" His voice cracked.

The rain woman shook her head.

"Uh yeah I gotta..." The ice wizard bolted out the door. Dammit dammit where is he? I can't let him leave my sight.

•       •       •

Natsu took a deep breath as he knocked on the door. He wondered what was so important that he had to meet Loke at his house privately. He had told him it had been about Gray so he was a bit nervous.

The orange haired spirt opened the door with a grin.
"Natsu! I'm glad you came" he moved so Natsu could enter his apartment.

" what was this about?" Natsu asked keeping his cool.

"Maybe we should sit down for this." Loke responded gestured towards the couch where the two took there seat.

"So you said this had to do with Gray? Is something wrong?" Natsu asked doing his best to hide any worry.

"Well yes um" Loke adverted his eyes, "as much as it pains me to tell you this he well, didn't want to marry you exactly..." Loke lied expertly.

Rage bubbled inside Natsu.

"Natsu hear me out--please" Loke interrupted.

Natsu did his best to calm down.

"It was, well my fault really. You see we were talking as best friends do, and I jokingly told him that he'd never have the balls to purpose to you, and he disagreed so we made a bet to see if he would do it," Loke cleared his throat "then after he did purpose I asked him if he was going to go through with it, and he made it clear that he wasn't, and he was actually, um, planning on leaving you...but he thought this would be fun because he thought this way he would get know...sleep with you more. He....he used you" Loke was impressed with himself. He had really made Gray seem like a bastard.

Tear after tear rolled down Natsu's face. Loke quickly cradled him in his arms.

"I....he.....I thought he loved me" Natsu cried into Loke's chest.

Loke pet his pink hair. "Shh shh I know I know" he muttered.

When Natsu's cries settled down Loke spoke,

"You need to forget him Natsu he isn't good to you. "

Loke took Natsu's chin and lifted it so it was inches from his. " I you forget..." He whispered.

Loke then closed his eyes and put his lips on Natsu's. It was gentle and he cradled Natsu's face deepening the kiss. Natsu slowly started to kiss back trying to numb the the pain. Loke then pushed Natsu down on the couch, kissing him more hungrily now shoving his tongue in. He started to grind onto Natsu who pushed him back.

"Loke we--we shouldn't" Natsu panted.

Loke grunted in reponse and went back down to kissing. Straddling him.

"Lo--Loke" Natsu tried to say, but to Loke's satisfaction, he eventually gave in.

•      •      •

Gray was searching and asking around Magnolia but had no luck finding his dragon slayer. He decided to go to the one place he was desperately hoping Natsu wasn't. Loke's apartment. 

He found himself sprinting there and had to take a minute to catch his breath when he arrived.

He opened the door not bothering to knock. It reminded him of when they were close and he would drop by all the time. 

"Loke?" He called but didn't see him. He decided to head up to his bedroom. He opened the door and almost fainted on the spot.

Loke was there alright.  And so was  Natsu. Who was currently curled up asleep hugging Loke's waist,who was sitting  up with a large smirk on his face. Nothing was covering them except the bedsheets. It was obvious to see the 'activity' that occurred there.

Gray's knees felt weak, his head spun and his vision blurred.

Loke put a finger to his lips.

"Shh, don't want to wake up the little rosebud now do we?"

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