Pain and tears

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A/N- aaaaaye I updated! wow that took forever anyways this is kinda short--ah well I'll be updated again sooner.

Gray sat on the floor hugging his knees. He was all of tears. Everything was happening so fast. All he wanted to do was marry the boy he loved more than anyone else.

His body felt heavy as he heaved himself up to open the door that was being knocked--quite vigorously.

He opened it to reveal a smiling white haired ice Mage.


"Gray! Ah it's been too long!" Lyon pushed flowers into Gray's chest. "Congratulations I heard the news. Its about time you got married to that fire ball you two really--...Gray?"

Gray was unsuccessfully wiping away more tears soaking his face.

"S-sorry it's just" Gray tried to suppress the lump in his throat it was making hard to breathe.
"--it's just..." The dark haired suddenly felt very dizzy.

"....Gray?...GRAY!" Lyon caught Gray as he collapsed to the ground. He wondered what was wrong. Gray seemed very happy when he had told him he was engaged but now...well now he looked like crap.

I swear if that flame breathing idiot hurt my little brother he won't hear the end of it!
Lyon thought gritting his teeth. He then carried Gray's frail body to the bed.

• • •

Natsu woke up in pain with a tear stained face. He sat up in immense pain. Loke had been very rough. At first Natsu had thought he was just caring for him but now he could see that he just wanted his body.

He tried to get up to get dressed and get the heck out of here. But as he tried to move he felt a tug on his wrists. He looked down to see each of his wrists bound to either side of the bed.

What the hell?! Natsu thought. Pffffft Loke's an idiot if he thinks this will keep me bound. The idiot must of forgotten I happen to have fire magic.

But as Natsu tried to light up a flame not even a spark ignited. "Huh?" He thought aloud.

"Don't bother baby" Loke said leaning against the door frame sipping out of a mug. "It's anti-magic ropes nothing's gonna work"

Natsu looked dumbfounded for a second and then scowled. "What's wrong with you?!" He said between gritted teeth.

Loke walked over slowly and stradled Natsu's hips and caressed his face. "Oh but it's more fun this way don't you think? I can't have my little pet run away, gotta keep it on a leash..." He leant down and took a long lick Natsu's face. Natsu squirmed but he was hopeless. "Now be a good boy or else you'll be punished, I'll be back" with that Loke got off and left the room.

This can't be happening this can't be happening this can't be happening this can't be happening.

Natsu felt helpless. He missed Gray so much he just wanted to be in his boyfriends arms.

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