Part I

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Smoke congealed around him as the weary night dragged on. Remnants of the man he used to be were scattered all along his cheap apartment floor. Memories and cherished items seemed so dull to him now withered by time of eras long past. His eyes were heavy and his heart nearly decayed with all the weight of the stress and pain his life had decided to throw at him. He breathed heavily as he reached his platform window this may be his only option at this point. His life had led him up to this point and as his past stared at him from behind his back he knew that the jump would be inevitable. The wind licked his shins as he stood on the ledge of the 13th floor. Somewhere down there his 90s Camaro was parked he loved to drive it blew wind into his hair just as the wind was hitting him now. He hoped for another ride in his beloved car. He swallowed deep and muttered the word Angel under his breath his potential last word on earth has to be the most important one he ever knew. His foot left the ledge and he plummeted towards the hard street below. The street lights flashed and glared in his vision and the wind bit his flesh as his decent accelerated. One thing he knew to be certain,this would NOT BE the end of him today. The black of the road rushing towards his eyes became a blur and he released his thoughts all at once his heart soaring and flowing with courage. The building crumpled behind him all around him a circular propulsion concussion his surroundings. He knew he had succeeded. With his mind at ease he trained and focused his thoughts on a singular thought......Sirius must be stopped at any cost.
Chapter 1
The mirror slammed and vibrated the bathroom as Tobias robotically did his morning routine. Zombies had more personality than him before 8 am. This morning was a identical doppelganger to the day before he knew he would stick to his same schedule,hang with the same friends,practice the same drills,eat the same lunch food he has injested into his stomach for ages and work at his taco gut job that led him nowhere in life but hey free tacos ain't so bad. His breakfast poured into the bowl like magic and he sat down as he always had the recliner had a permanent Tobias butt imprint from years of television use. The news on television spoke of a nuclear plant having a malfunction and he pondered on how many engineers had just lost their jobs. Oh look a dog can say I love you to his owner now that's more interesting televison. The husky with a lovable audio projection gave Tobias a laugh to his morning and he finished his cereal while reenacting the wolf like dogs howls of love. Grabbing his backpack he designed full of creatures and crazy patterns he grabbed his keys off the table and went out the door he yelled love you mom and dad as he left to whom he was referring to were his two spiders at his doorway his real mother and father he had left 2 years ago when he bought his own apartment. Taco gut can do one great thing for me he reminded himself it gave me freedom. His perfect 1994 Camaro roared to life as he climbed in. People mocked him for the way he crunched into the car being six foot four isn't the easiest but he loved his car everything about it, the smell, the touch, the vibration of the engine and how he alone knew how to get the most power out of his beloved automobile. He thanked the almighty car gods for making his car and he screeched out of the driveway to leave yet another burnout mark in the road for his old neighbor brandy to complain about he really hated that bitch. His Camaro glided down the road an his stereo was blasting his music" I'm hooked on feeeeeeeling...I'M HIIIIGH ON BELIEEEEEEVIN THAT YOU'RE IN LOOOOVE WITH MEEEEEEEEEEEEE" He belted his lungs out as he entered the street. Tires left his control as he lurched sideways sliding through the unknown he was confused and panicked and his car was headed straight for a power pole. His nerves powered up like electrical circuits his muscles tensed and he braced for impact. His precious Camaro slid perilously toward annihilation faster and faster then suddenly he felt a power wave like a bass drop from his favorite skilled song. His eyes flashed white and he felt time slow down. The items in his car floating around him in a space oddity state. He pushed his ninja turtle bobble head and looked around him all of his surroundings were distorted and wavy. His stomach decided this experience was the time to launch its cereal missiles and he vomited. Luckily with his slow.motion time being somewhat manageable at this time he grabbed it in a grocery bag before it hit his precious cars interior. He sat astonished and the wtf went through his mind infinitely until he realized and connected the dots he looked out his window and seen the nuclear site and his heart knew it was some bad reaction they had spoke of on the news. His mind strained as he fought his urge out at the gravity of what he discovered. His car close enough to kiss the pole he jersey the wheel felt the grass under his tires revved his engine and saw streaks and stars as his mind finally gave way to dark unconsciousness.
Tap tap tap..........tap tap tap........a bright light shone into his window as he got jolted awake a police officer stood at his window peering in like a librarian at a loud child. His expression said fathoms and Tobias knew whatever and wherever he was must not be satisfactory to this lawman. He slid his fingers to the power windows button and smiled at the officer and said" If I blamed aliens would you believe me? Those little grey dumbasses must've roofied me." His blank expression and dark reflective sunglasses revealed nothing and his emotionless stern tone sinisterly broke Tobias' bravado. " Step out of the vehicle and come with me." He motioned towards his car and Tobias sighed heavily as the trouble piled onto his happy go lucky heart popping his humor balloon. He reluctantly shifted his weight to his side and slid towards his door as his stereo popped on and a message played just audible for him to hear. Zzzzzztzzzzzz....don't step....Zzzzzztzzzzzz...out of vehicle.....zzzzztttt.....floor it and get to the warehouse on 21st St. time.....zzzzzt...... Tobias stared at his stereo deck at him with more confusion than he ever had known in his life. He floored it his pistons roaring as he flew from the ditch his fast sports car past the cop car. Dust flew and sirens wailed as he pounced his gas pedal on a direction of a cryptic radio message. Who was that lady or was it a lady i.mean it sounded like a lady kinda hoping she is attractive ex girlfriend left me hopeless for love she was the kind of person who tore a piece of your flesh when she left the hold on your heart. He shuddered at the thought of her and veered around the corner the cop closing in on him he chuckled he knew the cops ford would never be able to catch him once he really pushed his car. He let his foot do.its magic and wrenched the wheel drifting around a corner holding his Rev at the optimal ram he slid around 20th St and gassed it towards 21st Street. He no longer seen cop lights behind him but was weary so he connected to an alley and flew down it launching into the air on every bump in its uneven road. He whipped into the warehouse and slid into the doorway he hoped was meant for him the garage door just open barely small enough for his car to safely get through. The garage door slammed and he exited his car emerging to a dark warehouse silent with years of neglect. "noooooooooo u broke my antenna!!! Are you serious right now? My antenna wasn't cheap this is all because I insulted those aliens well fine if I'm getting probed today at least do the common courtesy of buying me dinner hell a movie would be nice i.heard deadpool is a good movie let's go and fix my dam antenna u DAM DIRTY GREY BASTARDS!!" the silence was so loud to him and ominous was the only word he could think of at this moment to describe the vibe of this situation. "who says ur the one getting probed a lady can always use a good alien man are you sure YOU just don't like being probed begging for it like that jeez LA Weezer tobias....a little gayyyyy" a seductively sarcastic voice boasted and tobias screamed out"hey show yourself then we will see who is getting probed and this is a free country we should all be entitled to a good ol probing it's AMERICA" a small flickering light appeared and a young woman appeared glimmering in its speckled luminosity. She stood at a high height for a woman with a curvy body that made eyes happy to follow it like a nice road in the summertime. Her face gleamed with beauty and her multicolored hair shone in the light. Tobias was stunned by her. He regretted saying such doughy remarks. He approached her and began to apologize and she cut him off" first of all Tobias your goofiness is one of the most redemptive qualities about you so don't start apologizing you might as well apologize for that smile and those luscious blue eyes I can never forget." "but how do you even know me I've never.." " Tobias what do we say about the word never? Never think never,never speak never and for all that is holy never shout never!" He stood abashed and perplexed as he felt this beauty had known him in a thousand lifetimes and this was only his first meeting of her. She grazed his cheek with her hand and kissed it gently leaning backward slowly after and gazing into his eyes. " there know can we talk and get all your stupid questions out of the way now? How when what whoooooooooooo am I how do I know you you get more crazy each time" Tobias gathered his thoughts and decided to state truths instead of questions. " you know me, you have some sort of ability that lead you to me, we have done this before and I'm apparently worth while and you broke my dam antenna for what better be a good Flippin reason." She chuckled and gave a glance that pierced his heart in an eerily familiar way. " you know Tobias you never cease to amaze me the way you just.....yes to all your statements they are all true now let's step further into the warehouse and get started on what needs to be done before I have no more time. " he felt her hand slip into his and she guided him down the long warehouse as they walked into the expansive darkness all he could think of is how incredibly comfortable he was with this undeniably weird as hell situation...

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