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Sonic was jogging to Tails' house on a brisk autumn day in October. His breath billowed from his mouth as the cold wind blew open his jacket and threw his scarf in his face. Sonic shivered as he rebuttoned his jacket and tucked the scarf in the top. He reached Tails' house and rang the doorbell.

"Just a minute!" came the shout.

"Hurry up I'm freezing out here!" shouted Sonic back as he began to jog in place to keep warm. After what seemed like an eternity, Tails answered the door with a cookie in his mouth and a cup of hot coco in his hands.

"Mm mph hmm pphm" the kitsune said through his cookie.

Sonic broke it off and waved it at him, "What did I tell you about talking with your mouth full?"

After chewing and swallowing the bit in his mouth, Tails replied, "I said, sorry to keep you waiting. Come in, you look like your about to become a Hedgesicle."

Sonic stepped inside, "Ha ha. Leave the jokes to me Tails."

The two went into the living room and sat down.

Tails said, "Want some coco to warm you up?" Sonic nodded as he took off his jacket and scarf. Tails returned with a steaming mug of coco and handed it to Sonic, "So how are you?"

Before answering, Sonic blew on the coco and took a sip but burned his lips and tongue, "AH! Son of gun! Arrgg!" Sonic squeezed his mug until it shattered and coco sprayed everywhere.

"Sonic!" shouted Tails.

Sonic whipped his head to look at him with a wild, angry look, "What?!"

Tails shrunk back a little, "I'm guessing you're not doing so good then?"

Coming back to his senses, Sonic looked at the mess he had made and said somberly, "I suppose not."

Tails helped him pick up the pieces of mug, "It's happening... isn't it?"

Sonic nodded, "But it's happening early this year. Halloween isn't until next week and I'm already showing symptoms. Usually it happens few days before."

Once the mess was cleaned up the two sat back down again.

Tails asked, "So what have you been experiencing?"

Sonic counted on his fingers, "I'm short tempered, I can't sleep at night, I can't stop eating and it's been hell trying to keep my nails at a reasonable length."

Tails replied, "Your nails have already started growing?! Oh boy this is serious."

Sonic munched on a cookie, "What are we going to do? It can't happen early, it just can't. I can barely handle it for one night, not two or three."

Tails sat back and sighed, "I don't know what we can do. Do you think Shadow is-" At that moment there was a knock on the door. Tails answered it, "Oh hi, come in." Tails reentered the living room with Shadow who was folding a large umbrella.

Sonic smirked, "Well speak of the devil! Is it raining Chao out there Shadow?"

The black hedgehog growled at Sonic, revealing his teeth, "Shut up Faker!"

Sonic said in a mocking voice, "My my Shadow, what big fangs you have!"

Shadow replied in a similar tone, "All the better to rip your throat out with!"

Tails rushed between the two, "Everyone just needs to take a chill pill ok?" Tails looked at Shadow, "Crap Shadow, Sonics right! You do have fangs!"

Shadow looked away, "Don't you think I know that?"

Sonic raised an eyebrow, "So it's happening to you too?"

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