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Tails was at his kitchen table with a cup of coffee. He glanced at the clock; Noon. Tails shuddered as he thought of nightfall would bring. For five years now he had kept Sonic and Shadow's secret and every year it was the same problem. How you keep two uncontrollable monsters under control so a minimal amount of damage is caused? It was an enormous burden but Tails knew he had to carry it, even if it killed him; which it almost did several times.

Tails' thoughts were interrupted by a loud knock and Knuckles' shout of, "Hey Tails!"

Tails answered the door, "What's up Knuckles? Don't tell me you broke my camera."

Knuckles crossed his arms, "Your camera is fine, I just wanted you're help with something. May I come in?"

"Sure. Let's go into the kitchen."

Knuckles sat down, opened his bag, and pulled out a map of the area. He laid it out on the table and said, "Ok, this map gives a nice overhead view of the local farms around here. The ones with Xs have been attacked by the Werehog, the Vamprhog, or both. Do you see any sort of pattern?"

Tails studied the map for minute, "Hmmm. From what I can see, it appears that they're going from farm to farm. Most likely because they go there one year, come back the next and discover that foods not available there anymore for whatever reason so they go to the next closest one. Then it repeats. Why?"

Knuckles replied, "I'm trying to decide where I want to wait for one of them to show up. Any suggestions?"

Tails studied the map some more. Even though the creatures in question were mostly driven by instinct, they weren't stupid. Even if a farmer locked up their cattle, the two would still go for them. That's why in five years, only three farms had been attacked. They didn't move on unless they ran into major resistance. If things went awry this year like the last five years, even though Tails prayed it wouldn't, they would go to the farm they attacked last year.

Instead of saying this, Tails pointed a farm towards the edge of the map, "I would go here. Their traveling in a straight line and my guess is that all of these farms have heard about the trouble these three had and locked up their cattle. No food, they move on. This repeats until they reach here."

Knuckles looked a little surprised, "All the way out there? Are you sure?"

Tails shrugged, "You asked me for help and I gave it. Granted I doubt you'll find anything anyways."

Knuckles continued to stare at the map, "Alright, you are the smart one. I'll probably head out around sunset. Say do you want get Sonic over here and watch scary movies?"

Tails said quickly, "He can't, he caught a cold."

Knuckles stood up, "That sucks, let's go to him then."

Tails stood too, "Nah, we should let him rest."

They walked into the living room as Knuckles said, "What about Shadow then?"

Tails shook his head as he grabbed a movie form a shelf, "You know Shadow, he probably just woke up, he'll be cranky. How about 'Chao Semetary'?"

Knuckles plopped down on the couch, "Oooo nice choice. But you're right. If we call Shadow now, he'll bite our heads off."

Tails chuckled half-heartedly and mumbled to himself, "You have no idea."

After watching some classic scary movies like 'Mobian Psycho', 'Nightmare on Emerald Street', and 'Westopolis Chainsaw Massacre', it was getting close to sunset.

Knuckles got up from the couch, "I'll be back, Imma use the restroom."

When he gone, Tails ducked into the lab to check on Shadow. The black hedgehog was pacing the containment unit nervously.

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