Chapter two

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Light filtered into my brain long before I opened my eyes. When I realized that my breathing had changed, my eyes snapped open. No point in pretending. I sat up, realizing too late that my sore head might object to this. Pain flared through my mind and I clapped a hand to my head to steady myself. I looked around: I was lying in a cot in a room resembling a prison cell with padded walls and a cold grey floor. However, one of the walls, on my left, was made of glass. There was a man sitting on the other side, dressed in khakis and a yellow button-up shirt. His hair was dark and curly, a pair of reading glasses perched on his nose, and his attention was fully on a clipboard in his lap. I felt around in my mouth: HYDRA had given me a specialized pill that would fool people into thinking I was dead until I could escape. Racks had the only other. I probed my molars: there was an obvious hole where one of them should have been.

SHIELD had taken my pill.

I looked back at the glass wall at the same time the man looked at me. A string of curses  shot through my mind. The man smiled faintly at me. "Good morning. I'm Dr. Banner. Welcome to Stark Tower." I blinked and stretched a foot off of the bed onto the cold floor. The mans smile grew fractionally. "Now, I just need to ask you a few questions and I'll be out of your hair. I'll start simple. What's your name?" I looked at him for a moment, switching to my default answer.

"Hail HYDRA."

Banners smile vanished. One, me, zero, you. I smiled sweetly as he leaned forward on his chair, the clipboard threatening to fall to the floor. "That's real funny kid. Now, for the second time, what's your name?" I leaned forward, dragging my leg back up to the bed so I could sit criss-cross. "Next question, please," I said sweetly, my Russian accent dripping with sass on every syllable. Banner stood up, the clipboard clattering to the tile, and banged the glass, his face beginning to turn mildly green. Was he sick or something? "Kid, this is your last chance. What. Is. Your. Name?" I rolled my eyes. "The Ice Queen. Happy?" He sat back down slowly, his green pallor disappearing.. "I was talking about your real name, but that'll do. Age?" I fell on my back, the bed hardly giving way beneath me. "Is 'unknown' an acceptable response?" I could hear his sigh. "In this case, I'll take it."

This went on for hours. Nationality (Russian), allergies (pineapple), vaccinations (yebat' vam khoroshiy ser), you name it, I was asked.

Finally, the doctor ran out of questions. "Sorry that took so long. I know you have to be starving. Do you want me to get you anything in particular?" I cocked my head from my vantage point on the floor, my eighth position in this stupid room. Was he serious? "Just some water, please." He stood up. "It'll be along shortly with some fresh clothes. Jarvis will keep you company until then. Thanks." He turned around. "Wait," My voice rang out. I took a deep breath. "Why are you doing this? Being nice, I mean." He turned around, a casual, friendly smile on his face. "Well, it's the least I can do. Just... No more hailings, please. That's really annoying."

With that, he shouldered through the door muttering one final sentence:

"Caps gonna be really interested in you."

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