~chapter 3

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(Sorry that the others before this one were so short I will try to make them longer, keyword try)

"Hello, I am Menchi and this is Buhara and we are the 2nd phase examiners!"

Nana's POV

The Examiners were saying something when all of the sudden there was this loud rumble that shook the ground,"What was that sound?" I said as I grabbed Killua's hand and from the corner of my eye I saw Killua form a light blush.

I heard the woman examiner say,"you must me hungry" Menchi, phase 2 examiner, said to Buhara, the other phase 2 examiner,"I'm starving" Buhara replies. Menchi smerks,"There you have it. Phase two involves..." There was a long pause for dramatic effect ,"...cooking!!!" She said and everyone started looking at one another questionly,"Cooking?" #294 says,"Wait! Cooking?" #255 says cockyly,"were hear to take the Hunters Exam!" I gave the fat ass a glare and a look of disgust, "Cooking is part of the exam!!! And its very useful and is really cool and enjoyable!!! But I guess you could never know because your just a fucking fat ass that still lives with his widdle mommy and could never do a damn this for himself!!!" I shout getting a boost of confidence. Everyone laughed loudly and I stood the proudly and smirked. I then realized what I said and covered my mouth quickly. 'Why did i say that outloud, what if the suspect me. I need to watch my mouth' I scolded myself in my head.

He turned around angrily trying to find the source of the voice. I quickly hid behind Killua clutching his shirt and snickering to myself even though I knew I shouldn't have said that. I stood on my tippy toes to just barely peak over his shoulder.

I then saw Menchi-san give me a small smile and I gave her a wide grin back,"That's quite right. Your challenge for the Second Phase is to produce a dish that will satisfied our pallet" Menchi says,"why do we have too cook!?" Some random person replies angrily "that's because... Were Gorment Hunters!" Menchi said but everyone started laughing 'why are they laughing!? A Gorment Hunter is a really cool job!!!' I thought to myself as I looked around angrily, I also saw Menchi start to get mad.

I decide to lighten the mood by asking,"what are we gonna be cooking?" I tilted my head a little bit to look cute and innocent,"Buhara" Menchi-San said nodding at me in thanks,"the required ingredient is pork "pork? As in pig meat?" Some dumb ass said," No shit sherlock." I mumbled to myself, I heard Killua chuckle and I blushed.

"You're free to use any species of pig meat in the Biska Forest. You must use cooking facilities here to prepare the pork. And you only pass if we both find it delicious." Buhara said," we will evaluate more than just cooking. Don't underestimate cooking. Got it? When we both get our fill... the exam will end." Menchi-San said,"we get it. We get it. Let us start!" #255 said in a cocky attitude."Then the exam's second phase... Begins now!!!" Buhara said and everyone took off to go find there pigs.

Gon, Killua, Leorio, Kurapika, and I all ran into the forest in search of the wild pig. Gon then jumped down a grassy hill, Killua looked down excitedly and jumped down too. I jumped down behind him because it looked fun! But when we reached the bottom we all smashed together and I hit my head on the back of Killua's my boobs rubbing on his back and he felt my hot breath on the back of his neck. I saw him blush,"what the heck Gon!" Killua shouted, then Gon pointed out to the field,"found them" I looked up and saw giant pigs and... They were chewing on bones!? They then looked up and saw us and started to charge, Gon and the rest of them started running but I stood there in shock.

~flash back~
I panted wildly as I held my arm in pain, the huge pig ran at me as my father and siblings watched me train from a distance.

My eyes glowed red as I smiled at the pig sadisticly and I let out a dark cackle. I was just barely able to get out of the way in time so I didn't get trampled as the pig charged at me. I carefully wiped the sweat from my brow wincing in pain as my body was sore and covered in bruises and large cuts.

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