A Comedic Scone (UsUk)

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Small author's note:
Today's genre is humourous I guess.
Feel free to make any suggestions for a one shot! I'll tag you, and I'd appreciate it very much.
"Your cooking is so bad, that Finland mistakes them for coal and gives it to the bad kids during Christmas!"
Shouted America.

"You DID not just say that! I'm the best cook there ever is. You're just jealous because you can't even cook!" Yelled Arthur.

The two were arguing about something so trivial about England's cooking.
Alfred was invited over in England.
They were watching a movie all peacefully, and even conversized with each other about life.
... Until America decided he was hungry and Arthur served him his
'Cooked to perfection' scones.

"Plus... They're edible at the very least!" Added in Arthur, taking one of his scones and plopping it into his mouth.

"I bet I can cook better. Lunch stackables count, because it really is cooking! You place a cracker on the bottom, add the meat, chease, and place another cracker. Then, you heat it up in the microwave for a minute- and its done!" Explained Alfred.

"I am so done with you." Arthur couldn't take it anymore with the constant arguing over food.

That lunch mate filled with processed fats is faaar from cooking!
He stormed out of the house, pissed off at the american.

"I'm leaving. So much for chatting."
Arthur mumbled.
He stormed out of the house, making sure to slam the door behind him.

He stands awkwardly from the door, unsure of where to go... This place looked a lot like his house-

Wait... It was Arthur's house!
The British man couldn't help but do a mental facepalm,
embarrassed for running away from HIS house,
storming out of HIS room,
and slamming HIS door.

After a few good minutes of staring at the people taking a stroll in the sidewalk,
Alfred goes outside as well,
shuffling towards the green eyed male.
... Things just got more awkward than it was before.
Arthur wouldn't say a word, still upset with the other insulting his cooking.
He had worked so hard on it, making sure to follow every step on the cookbook correctly.
He wanted it to look perfect for Alfred...
He had tried so hard, only for it to be insulted with, and get his efforts crushed like it was a waste of time to even try to perfect them.
Alfred did feel a twinge of guilt surging through him.
The scones weren't THAT bad... They were actually edible this time, but it still tasted like cardboard.

"... So, great weather we're having."
Said Alfred, attempting to start a conversation.
It was a crazy situation that they were in...
All this just for a stupid scone.

"Yeah. It's going to rain soon." Said Arthur, looking up at the sky,
making the atmosphere less awkward.

Alfred being as oblivious he was,
didn't get the awkward atmosphere and made it more awkward for the Brit.

"If Canada and I did a switcheroo, would you be able to notice that Canada isn't me?" America asked.

"Of course, git. It would be pretty easy... Wait, who are we talking about again?"

"I forget."

"That seems typical of you, Alfie."

Alfred quirked a smile,
"Hey... I just want to..."

Arthur waited for the blue eyed male to finish his sentence.
It seemed to be an eternity, was the American actually able to read the atmosphere for once!?

"Let you know that..."

The green eyed male gave his divided attention, waiting for some form of an apology to come out his mouth.

"About the scones...

I sure as hell won't take it back!"
Alfred chuckled.

Arthur was furious again- to think that something genuine would actually come out of the other's lips,
was far-fetched.

"Haha, you should see the look on your face! That was for the lulz.
So... Your cooking isn't THAT bad.
At least it was edible this time."
Alfred said mumbling
that last part.

But, the British man was able to hear that last part, and couldn't help but smile and let out a small laugh.

All of a sudden, it started to pour.
"We should go back inside before someone catches a cold." Said Arthur.

Alfred nodded, laughing along with Arthur, and going inside as well.

"Then again, idiots don't catch colds."
Said Arthur, chuckling a bit, as they spent the rest of their evening

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