IMAGINE: Dean confessing his feelings towards you after you die

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      "Run, Y/N, run!" Dean, your best friend, screams at you as many demons surround the Winchester brothers and you. A while ago Dean asked you to go demon hunting with him while Sam was at college. After Sam got out of college, he joined Dean and you on your crazy adventures.
     You take off running, and about half of the demons run after you. You flinch when you hear gunshots from Sam and Dean. You look back and see the two brothers firing at the demons. When you look back to where you're going, a shriek leaves your mouth, and you stop, almost tripping.
     You breathe heavily, regaining your balance as you look at the demon in front of you, his eyes boring into yours. You slowly reach into your back pocket to pull out your knife. Before you can make a deadly swipe at the demon, he thrusts his arm into your chest, making you cry out. He wraps his icy fingers around your heart and you gasp, your eyes widening.
     "Y/N!" You hear Dean screaming, trying to reload his gun. "Sam! Shoot the demon!" He shouts at his younger brother. Before Sam can turn and shoot the demon, the demon crushes your heart. Your eyes never Dean's until you hit the ground, dead. "Y/N, no!" Dean screams, sobbing as Sam shoots the demon in the head.
     Once Dean and Sam kill the rest of the demons, Dean stumbles to your dead body. "No. No, no, no, no, no, no, no." He breathes kneeling beside you and turning you over.
     "Dean, I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry I didn't shoot fast enough." Sam whispers, tears sliding down his cheeks.
    Dean's eyes search your face and then he lets out a deep sob, bowing his head, weeping loudly. He pulls your body into his arms and buries his face in your neck. "Oh, Y/N, please. Please, come back to me." He sobs, rocking you back and forth.
     Sam's hand covers his mouth and he looks away, quickly blinking away the oncoming tears.
     Dean lifts his head and cradles your cheek with his hand, his thumb caressing your cheek bone. He smiles, his chin quivering. "I love you so much. I never had the courage to tell you, and now I regret it." He whispers. "If you would just come back, I would tell you that everyday for the rest of our lives." He adds. Dean pulls you closer, his head resting against yours. "You can't leave me here. You're part of our team. You're part of my life... my heart..." He murmurs, before letting out another sob. "Sam, I can't do this. My heart is breaking." He cries to his brother, looking up at him.
     "I'm so sorry, Dean." Sam whispers, shaking his head. Dean sniffs as Sam kneels down beside him and puts his hands on Dean's shoulders.
     "I love her so much, Sam. I don't want to go on without her... I can't..." He whispers, squeezing his eyes shut.
     "Y/N would want you to go on." Sam says softly.
     Dean shakes his head. "I couldn't save her, Sam. I couldn't get to her fast enough. She'd probably hate me." He says, opening his red rimmed eyes.
     "Y/N loved you, Dean. I'm sure of it. She knew you tried to save her. She knew you'd always try to save her if you could. This isn't your fault. Y/N wouldn't want you to blame yourself." Sam says.
     "I know, I know." Dean whispers.
     "Come on, we need to take her before people see us." Sam says. Dean stands up with you in his arms, your head lolling against his chest. Dean and Sam walk down the dark alleyway, their faces hard and tear streaked.
[THE END] I hope you enjoyed it!

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