IMAGINE: Jensen and Jared helping you through a rough time

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| IMAGINE for @Mydigitalkitty |

     You slowly open the drawer to your nightstand, your hand shaking. Tears slide down your cheek as you look over the scissors and razor blades. A little whimper breaks past your lips and you sniff.

     You were depressed in high school and cut because of people who'd bully you to no end. You thought it'd get better in college, but with all the stress of school, it's only become worse. Your best friends, Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki, helped you through high school to get through the pain. They are going to the exact same college as you to keep an eye on you and make sure you're okay. You're so good at faking that everything is fine that Jensen and Jared don't even know your world is falling apart.

     You reach for the pair of scissors, gulping. "Forgive me." You whisper to your empty dorm room. You roll your long sleeves up to your elbows and place the scissors on your forearm.

     You're about to press hard and deep against your skin when Jensen and Jared burst into your room, laughing. You stare up at them in shock. Their laughing immediately stops and their eyes widen in horror.

      "Y/N, drop those scissors!" Jensen gasps, running for you. He grabs the scissors and tosses them into the drawer. He slams the drawer shut and whirls around to face you. Jared is still by the door, his jaw dropped in shock.

     "Y/N, wh-what were you doing?" Jensen asks. The hurt in his voice makes you grimace. "I thought you were okay." He says, grabbing your hands and stepping close to you. "Talk to me." He whispers.

     "I'm sorry." You gasp, bowing your head. Jared walks up next to Jensen. "I was doing okay. Really I was. But the stress with school... the scars from my past... just everything, it was all weighing so hard on me. I couldn't do it anymore. I-I can't do it anymore." You choke out.

     Jensen and Jared pull you into their arms and you sob against them. Jensen kisses your head and rests his head on yours as Jared rubs your back.

     A long while later, after you've cried everything out, Jensen and Jared sit you down. "Y/N, we need to do something about this." Jensen states.

     "We're care about you so much and we don't want anything to happen to you. We love you." Jared says softly, rubbing your shoulder.

     You look at them through watery eyes. "I know and I love you guys too." You reply.

     "So you have to promise us that you're going to stop. You're going to go to a psychologist and get the help you need, Y/N. We'll help you with anything you need, just like we did in high school." Jensen tells you, smiling.

     You sniff. "Thank you." You whisper. Jared and Jensen grab your hands and you squeeze them.

     "You're going to be fine, Y/N." Jensen says.

     "You'll be better than fine." Jared throws in.

     You smile. "Thank you." You whisper barely audible.


  It's been ten months since you've been in therapy and you're thriving. The first two months were so challenging you thought you'd never get this far. But here you are. Today you're throwing out all of your blades and scissors.

     You open your drawer and start grabbing the razor blades. Your door opens and Jensen walks it. He stops in his tracks and pales.

      "Y/N, please tell me—" He starts to say.

     You smile and shake your head. "No, no, no, no, I'm throwing them out." You say, gesturing to the garbage.

     Jensen's breath leaves him in a rush. "Oh, okay." He sighs. "I thought..." He trails off.

     "I know what you thought." You say softly, looking back to the drawer. Your feelings for Jensen have widened in the past ten months. You have romantic feelings for him and you're having trouble dealing those feelings. You're not sure how he feels about you.

     Jensen walks over to you and wraps his arm around your shoulders. "Are you doing okay?" He asks quietly.

     You look at him and smile a little, nodding. "Yeah, I'm good." You answer.

     He stares at you. "Are you being serious?" He asks.

     You start laughing. "Yes, I'm serious." You reply.

     Jensen smiles. "Good." He says. You both stare at each other for a long minute.

     You take a deep breath. "Jensen?" You ask.

     "Yes, Y/N?" He replies, his voice breathy. You open your mouth to say something of your feelings to him but then stop. You sigh and shake your head.

      "No, no, what is it?" Jensen prompts.

     "Nothing." You whisper.

     "If it's the same thing I'm thinking than it's not nothing." He says.

     Your eyes search his. "What are you thinking?" You ask. He looks down at your mouth and your eyebrows raise up in surprise.

     You shrug, cup Jensen's face, pull his head down to yours, and kiss him deeply. He wraps his other arm around you and kisses you back. After a long moment, you pull your head back from his and you smile.

     "I'm guessing you were thinking the same thing?" Jensen asks, grinning. You laugh and nod, before kissing him again.
[THE END] I hope you liked it!

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