IMAGINE: Jensen comforting you after someone is rude to you at Comic Con

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| IMAGINE for @bleedingwordsoflife |

    You stand in line to see Jensen Ackles, your favorite actor. You bounce on your tiptoes, your excitement bubbling over. You accidentally bump into the woman in front of you.
     "Oh! Oops, I'm so sorry!" You exclaim, your eyes wide. The woman whirls around, anger flashing in her eyes.
     "How dare you." She hisses.
     You take a step back. "I-I said I'm sorry. It was an accident." You fumble.
     She lashes out and grabs your arm, her fingernails digging into your forearm painfully.
     "Sure. Sure, you're sorry." She spits sarcastically. "I've been waiting here for an hour and now you think you can push me out of the way and cut in?" She asks angrily, her voice raising. 
      People start turning to look, and you blush. "I wasn't pushing you out of the way. I just tripped. I wasn't cutting in line." You stammer quietly.
     "Why don't you just take yourself and get out of line before I call security?" The woman retorts.
     "If anyone should call security, the security should be called on you." A voice says.
     The woman and you both look to where the voice is coming from. Your eyes widen and your jaw slips agape. Jensen Ackles stands there, his jaw set, his arms crossed, glaring at the woman.
     "I think it's time you took your leave, ma'am, and stop harassing this girl." Jensen says. The woman hmphs and stalks off, grumbling under her breath.
     "Are you okay?" Jensen asks you kindly, smiling at you. You nod, your eyes following the woman until she disappears into the crowd. You look up at Jensen, a smile booming on your lips.
     "Thank you for that. I have no idea what came over that woman." You say.
     "What's your name?" He asks.
     "Y/N." You answer.
     "Well that's a beautiful name." He says, smiling.
     You flush. "Thank you." You murmur. Jensen suddenly pulls you into a hug. You freeze for a second and then hug him back.
     "I'm really sorry that happened, Y/N." He says, patting your back.
     "It's okay, Jensen." You answer. You pull back and smile at him. You point back to where the long line of fans are waiting to meet him.
     "You better get back to meeting your fans." You say.
     "You're still going to be in line, aren't you?" Jensen asks.
     "Of course." You say.
     "See you soon, then." He says, high-fiving you before walking off back to the front of the line. You smile, feeling a little lightheaded.
[THE END] I hope you liked it!

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