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1.complete trust or confidence in someone or something.

2.strong belief in God or in the doctrines of a religion, based on spiritual apprehension rather than proof.

My favorite verse in the Bible is Hebrew 11:1 and it states Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen.

This verse means that you don't have to believe in God by seeing him. You should believe in God because you know that he's with you through anything and do everything you should have faith in God and you should have faith in yourself that you can make it through your life without going through it by yourself, because if you think you're going through it by yourself well then you're wrong because you have family if you don't have family have friends if you don't have friends you have got to be there with you to guide you through life all you need to do is just have faith and believe that he is guiding you through life he's guiding you down the right path instead of the wrong. If you turn down the wrong path when he's telling you to go this way then you not having enough faith in him let me break it down to you okay. Faith is the key word to get through life having faith gets you through life having faith in God gets you through life having faith in yourself gets you through life you don't need anybody else to to believe in you I need to do is just know that God is with you and that you believe in yourself because if you don't believe in yourself you don't believe in God how you going to get through life, if you don't believe in God he will still be there for you to guide you through life. Faith helps you to know that believing in something or believing in yourself and God without seeing it will get you through life so don't try and stop believing in yourself because that's not going to work you have to push yourself to become what you want to be don't push yourself to be perfect because you can't be perfect but push yourself to be the best that you can be push yourself to be something that you want to be push yourself to become what God wants you to be because when you do that he's looking down at you and smiling saying that's my child right there doing what they want and what I'm going to do. Faith is the key to get through life faith is the key to get to heaven faith is the key for you to achieve what you want to achieve faith is all you need to get the life you want to have have faith and your family in your friends and your husband in your boyfriend or whoever that's in your life so that I can get through it with you because faith is never ending unless you end it yourself don't in faith or don't in the faith that you have because if you do then you're just sending something that you work so hard to believe in your ending something that you work so hard to achieve to become in your life you just demolished all of your dreams if you don't have faith. You see because let's face it don't be scared to have faith or to believe in God or to believe in yourself because if you do how you going to get through life being scared because God did not create fear he created love kindness gentleness he created all the things he did not create fear he did not want you to be afraid to have faith or to believe or to be yourself or anything of that matter he created you to be the next generation to share and to show everybody how to have faith in themselves to God so they can get through life.

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