In the hospital

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Lexi's POV

It's been a few days and John still hasn't waken up. I've come to see him every single day. Hoping he would wake up and the first person he sees is me. Only one person can see him at a time, so I'm sitting next to him and holding his hand. "Hey can I be with him for a second?" (Aj). "Uh yea sure." (Lexi). I walked out the room. Even though I don't like her, she's a friend of Johns. She should be able to see him too.

Aj's POV

Slowly I walked over to his hospital bed. I closed my eyes and remembered that horrible moment when I opened my hotel room door, and saw the stretcher carrying John down to the hospital. Tears filled my eyes as I sat next to him and grabbed his hand. The cold touch of his skin sent a chill down my body. I hate to see him like this. I'm so used to seeing him full of energy and with a huge heart melting smile on his handsome face. Right now he's laying there lifeless on the hospital bed. It breaks my heart. "There's two more minutes left for visiting time." (Nurse). I shook my head yes, and brought my attention back to John. When the nurse left, I leaned down and kissed Johns cold yet soft lips. I was on my way out the door when someone grabbed my hand. I looked back at John, and saw him laying on the hospital bed with an amazing smile on his face. He pulled me over to him an kissed me again softly yet firmly. When we pulled away my eyes were still closed. "Do you think we should tell the nurses I'm awake." (John). I giggled yes and ran out the room to find a nurse. "He's awake! John's awake!"

Lexi's POV

I heard Aj screaming John was awake, so I ran over to his room and sure enough he was sitting up in his hospital bed. I jumped into his arms. "John you're awake!" "Yea I missed you so much Lexi!"

John's POV

Lexi just ran into my room, I missed her so much. When I was knocked out the only thing in my mind was my hotel room spinning. I don't even know how long I've been knocked out for. Well I'm just happy I'm awake. Aj walked into the room and my mind snapped back to when she kissed me and then when I kissed her. Why did I do that, she just got out of a relationship. But she looks really happy. Do I make her feel that way, or is she thinking of someone else? Five minutes later...The nurse told me that I would be able to leave today, but I shouldn't wrestle this week.

Lexi's POV

John was released from the hospital and is now at the hotel. Its around ten at night now. I couldn't find my bag and I was tired so I just took one of Johns t shirts. John kept starring at me and I didn't know why. Was something wrong.

Johns POV

Lexi walked out with one of my shirts on, it went to the middle of her thigh. I don't know what came over me, but I walked over to Lexi, and kissed her. She was shocked at first but then wrapped her arms around my neck while I wrapped my arms around her waist. We pulled away and I rested my forehead against hers. My phone started buzzing in my pocket, it was Aj. "Hey John... umm about that kiss." I forgot all about that kiss with Aj! I'm so confused with my feelings.

Authors note

I would have updated a lot earlier because I usually update from my phone, but I dropped my phone and its not working so I'm using my kindle fire. Vote and comment :)

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