Baby tomboy

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"Hello, Lily did you enjoy your walk?"

"Hi John, yeah I did enjoy my walk", I say smiling at John, the head of security of my house, fit and handsome guy in his late twenties who has jet black, stylishly gelled, combed hair.

"Well, you always do seem happier when you come from your nature walks"

"You already know I love nature, John. So, how was your day? Please don't tell me you spend all morning in your room sipping on a hot cup of coffee and eating cookies"

"Okay, guilty as charged, you know I just love coffee and cookies, so don't give me that 'you're wasting your life' look, and besides I know you would have done the same thing, don't lie to me, young lady, I've know you for three years", he say with a huge grin teasing me.

I laugh and say, "Okay, you got me and anyways, I want to go inside and take a warm shower"

He opens my house gate and says, "Yeah, you need a warm bath alright, I bet your fingers are cold already"

I smile, John knows me well, and he also knows I always forget to wear gloves when I go out. He then urges me to go in fast, so I don't 'as he says "freeze to death"'. I open the front door and say, "I'm home"

Maria, our housekeeper, a beautiful woman in her late forties who has beautiful blond, wavy, and tied into a bun hair comes and says, "Welcome home, Lily, come on, I have a surprise for you."

"Surprise, what surprise do you have for me, Maria?" I smile and ask following behind her to the living room. She steps aside from my vision and I see.....

My mom, sis and uncle standing by the sofa. I gasp and ran into my mom's arms and hug her. I inhale her smell, which has always made me feel so warm and safe. I pull away and look at all three of them. And looking back at Maria, I tell her, "Maria, best surprise ever."

Then I turn back to my mom who still has her arms around me and mine around her.

"Hi mee, when did you get here and how did you get here? This is just so surprising." I tell her. She looks just like me in so many ways, like her brown shoulder length hair but it's straight instead of waving and her deep brown eyes, they're just like mine, our birthmarks, we both have birthmarks on our thigh, and our round high cheeked face. She's in her late forties just like Maria.

When I turned 15 years old, she started her own business. And it progressed slowly but steadily. Now it's a very famous training management in England where she started it, 5 years ago. She still hasn't created another branch yet. Oh well, as long as she's happy, I'm fine with it. Then after high school, I applied for my dream university, Harvard University. And with my high SAT score and community services, I got into Harvard University. And now I'm in my last year of bachelor year. I work at an internship. Well then what else? Oh did I mention that I live with my brother and three friends now? I moved here in my first year of university.

"Oh, just look at you, all grown up, seeing you like this makes me so proud, Keeley", mom says and when I flinch hearing that name, she say, "Sorry, I mean Lily."

"It's ok, mee" I always call my mom, 'mee'.

Then I turn to my uncle and sis, "You culprit, Key. You just called me and suddenly in front of me. And please don't tell me what you told me was made up."

Key shrugged and said grinning, "We wanted to keep it a secret and surprise you. And no it's all true."

"Well you surprised me, alright. And hello Uncle Fran, how are you?" I say looking at my uncle, Francis Orlando who has dirty blond, curly and stylishly trimmed and combed hair who's in his late forties as well. He's not really my uncle, we just call him that because he's my mom's friend, who has always stayed by mom's side through hard times and good times like a real friend. I knew him from when I was like 5 to 6 years old. He's always been like a dad to me and Key. And did I mention he's married and has a son who's around 12 to 13 years.

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