Elder sister instincts

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"You make so hot, you make me want to drop."

I hear Avril Lavigne's song 'hot' blaring from one of the guest rooms.

'Key'. She's the only one who'd blare music like that. Because none of my friends would blare music like that when people are around. They think it'll disturb the guest's peace. And that's kind of true, because not everyone likes loud music.

I knock on her door, being 200% sure she's not gonna hear it. And then I'm surprised to open the door to find her sitting by the window thinking, rather than dancing wildly like she usually does when she blares music like this. My elder sister instincts kicks in telling me something definitely bothering her.

I walk to her and my breath is caught in my throat when I find tears rolling down her cheeks.

Oh my god, I almost know this is because of a guy. I don't know how but I just know it.

I crouch down and sit beside her and wipe her tears. She looks at me sadly for a second before hugging me and crying again on my shoulders.

It rips my heart to pieces to see my always cheerful sister, broken like this. Someone needs to kick 'whoever's responsible for this breakdown's' ass.

Her crying slowly turned into soft sobs and then it's only sniffing. And then I pull her away from me and ask, "What did that guy do?"

She stared at me and softly says, "How do you always know what troubling me by just looking at me?" I smile and tell her with a shrug, "Elder sister instincts." And then sternly tell her, "Don't even think about distracting me. Young lady."

Then she sighs and looks at the window and say, "You know how I told you about this guy who asked me on a date?" I nod. And she said, "He called and said that the reason he asked me on a date was because his friends dared him to and he didn't want to go on a date with me because of a dare and that he's very sorry. And then he just hang up on me."

Well, interesting. He called to say he didn't want to go on a date with her because of a dare and apologized. If he wasn't a nice guy he wouldn't have even told her that. I like this guy he's really a great guy. And top of that I think he really like her. So I say, "I think he likes you and he's a great guy. He doesn't want your feelings. So, I think he's going to ask you out soon and not because of a dare but because he likes you."

Key stares at me as if she thinks I'm crazy and say, "I telling you that he asked me out because of a dare and told me he doesn't want to go with me and you're telling me he's a nice guy."

"Well if he wasn't nice he wouldn't tell you until you hear it from someone and ask him." I tell her.

Then she thinks and says, "Well I guess he is nice."

"Yeah and I completely approve of him. And I also know he's going to ask you out for real. Just forget this incident, okay?" I say with a grin.

She blushes and mutters, "I don't even like him."

"Yeah, sure and I think the sky is green." I say sarcastically.

"Okay, sis. Want to help me choose an outfit?" Key asks enthusiastically.

I lift a brow and ask, "For what? Going downstairs and eating?"

"Well duh, come on only because you don't like get all dressed up for eating snacks doesn't mean I shouldn't?" she says as she looks down at her suitcase.

"Okay, then I'll help you" I say getting comfortably seated on the window still.

Then she put on least a gazillion dresses before settling with a bright pink sweater that says 'I am girly', a short black skirt and tight black woolen leggings to cover her legs or else if by chance she steps outside, her legs will freeze. And then let's her dark brown straight hair down.

"So let's go. I'm sure everyone waiting for us in the dining room." I stand after she's done and tell her.

Then out of nowhere, she hugs me and says, "I really missed you, adult sis. There's no better sister than you in this whole world. Thank you."

I hug her back and say, "I'm your sister, you don't need to thank me, baby sis, and no matter I'll always be by your side."

And we walk out of her room to the staircase for snacks, smiling at each other. Hand in hand like we used to when we were kids.

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