Fallen Prince

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(His point of view)

Eventually and all too soon, she pulls away. Her face turns to gaze over the men. She smiles brilliantly before taking my hand and begins walking towards them. As she does, they all bow down to one knee, bringing their arms to rest over their armored hearts. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Daegan and Thor along with The Warriors Three and Lady Sif kneeling at the far left end of the front line. Each of them are bowing in all due respect. I stand with pride, letting my eyes follow her every move. I am still struggling with the belief that she is truly here by my side. She looks completely perfect, as though not a single bit of harm has befallen her. So different from the last time I saw her. I shudder as the blackened images attempt to creep back in. But I shake my head, willing them away easily enough.

Her gaze moves from right to left, then left to right. I watch her expression mold sweetly whilst she offers them her most thankful smile. But as her eyes continue moving towards the left end, I see her face pale slightly. She gasps, covering her mouth with her hand.

"Christine?" I whisper in alarm. She uncovers her mouth, her eyes seem to be focusing in one something. Or someone.

"Daegan!" I hear her breathe out in exclaimed shock. I turn to look over my shoulder, finding that he remains in bowing his head and still down on one knee with his eyes glued to the ground. She does not know....

I clear my throat, tightening my grasp on her hand.

"Christine, it is alright." Her brow creases in frustration before averting her now narrowed eyes in my direction. She remains silent awaiting my explanation.

"Darling, we offered him a bargain," I state. "If he were to swear undying allegiance to me and fight to help bring you home then he would be pardoned of all charges. With that, he would also be allowed to return as General of our army." She gasps once again, returning her eyes to his kneeling figure.

"And he has remained true to his word?" she finally asks, seeming stunned. I nod, smiling assuredly to her.

"Yes, my Love. In fact, Daegan has become a very dear friend of mine. Shocking, I know." Her emerald diamonds widen once again from my response. Her gaze flitters back and forth from my face to him. She seems completely baffled by my explanation, and I honestly cannot blame her. But finally, her hardened expression dissolves as a softer hue surfaces over her eyes. She still remains in a truly stunned state, but she does not allow this to intervene with her smile. She weaves her fingers through mine more securely before taking a step in his direction. I allow her to lead until we are standing within inches of his kneeling figure. He obviously hears our footsteps, thus sending for him chancing a glance up at us. Then, I almost chuckle upon witnessing how he slightly pales as he processes her close presence.

"Your Majesty," he mumbles out in a strained tone. I move my eyes from him back to her face, finding that her hardened stare has returned as she peers down at his cowering figure. She stands like this for what seems like forever, as though she is attempting to decide whether or not she is ready to believe this. But eventually, I see her soft smile return. She releases a withheld breath of wind, summoning her shoulders to relax.

"Daegan," she whispers, taking a single step closer to him. "Please, stand." He immediately obeys but hesitates to make eye contact with her. She releases my hand before closing the small space between them as she moves to stand just an inch from his face. He becomes a statue, gasping loudly as he stares wide eyed over her shoulder at me. I finally give in to my amusement and chuckle at his astonished expression.

"Daegan," she says softly. "I honestly do not know what to say." She giggles before reaching forth and taking one of his hands in hers.

"I never thought that I would see the day when you and my Beloved would become friends. But I see now that it is but too true, for I have searched your heart and sense no ill intent." His ghostly shade of white increases beneath her words. She releases his hand before turning to look at in my direction. Then, she reaches out for me to return to her side. So I do, all too willingly.

Darkness Vanquished (A Loki Love Story) Book 3 in Darkness SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now