Too Soon

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(His point of view)

"Stop fidgeting, Loki. She is fine." I have just downed my second round of ale rather quickly before my fingers have begun to tap up against the empty glass. I am restless and painfully anxious even though it has only been about twenty minutes since we left her with Daegan.

We are sitting in a small lounging area just outside of the main foyer of the palace entrance. Upon arriving, Link had sent for a large pitcher of ale by one of the many nearby servants. I had hoped he would request something a bit stronger, like bourbon. But ale was better than nothing. And pleasingly enough, it has begun to do its job and settle my insides, but nowhere near enough to subdue my relentless worrying.

I shoot him a glare as I motion for him to pour me another refill. As I hold out my glass, I cannot help but look back over my shoulder for the thousandth time. I hear him moving as he grabs the pitcher and pours more of the golden brown liquid into my glass.

"And stop looking for her. You're only making it worse by checking the hallway every three minutes."

I turn to face him only long enough to take a quick sip. I practically growl in response before looking over towards the direction of the dungeons yet again. This time, only to spite him for his badgering complaining. He painlessly punches my arm before shaking his head at me.

"You worry too much, even for a King," he snickers. I do not even bother to reply this time as I turn up my beverage once more, gulping down its nerve-sating substance. I wipe the corner of my mouth with the back of my hand before placing the glass back down upon the small coffee table just at my feet.

"I cannot help it, Link. She is my wife for gods' sakes. And whilst I honestly do agree that he would not harm her, I cannot help but recall what he tried to do the last time they were together." The last of my words come out in a seething bite. He takes a sip of his own beverage whilst eyeing me above its crystal, clear rim.

"Besides, you cannot tell me that you would not be reacting this exact same way were it Kendha down there," I go on to say. I force myself to not sound quite so hateful, for I know he is truly only attempting to help me feel better. He scoffs at my statement before raising his glass as if he were making a toast.

"Point well made, My King." I huff out a breath of exasperated air, already moving to turn and look again. But I stop myself this time, attempting to find something else to focus on.

"Do you think he will listen to her?" I ask, meaninglessly studying the marble floor. He tilts his head back, finishing off the rest of his drink before practically slamming it down on the table.

"I honestly cannot say, Brother." He leans back in his chair, belching loudly as he settles in against its cushions. I fight the urge to roll my eyes at him. "But it was our only option, and I stand by what I said earlier. If there is one person who could get through to him, it is my sister."

"What of Serina? Do you not think she could have done the job just as sufficiently enough? Perhaps we should send-" I begin blubbering out. But he holds out a hand, ushering me to silence.

"Loki, you and I both know that whilst Daegan is incredibly fond of the forest Duchess, his affections hold not a candle to those of which he has for Christine. I already considered bringing Serina here but quickly decided it would be pointless. She would get no farther through his thick skull than you or me." I continue to hang my head, pondering these unsettling thoughts.

"I just cannot understand why he cannot seem to let her go. He cannot find the will to accept that she is not his. It's as if he is holding on in hopes that one day, somehow, she will realize that she does not truly love me and that he will be the run to whom she runs." I grit my teeth together, instantly detecting my temper flaring far too rapidly. "He just will not let go!" I snarl out between my set jawline.

Darkness Vanquished (A Loki Love Story) Book 3 in Darkness SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now