Chapter 4

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Ita been 3 days since I found out Harry and Gemma are a couple. I dont fancy him but what I dont get is why did he say he was single at the café?

I haven't talked to Harry or Louis since Saturday. I actually dont know why... Louis seems nice. Hes Bitter and Sassy (Based off the book,). Hes a funny guy. Harry the same..

I was sat at a bench next to the pub. I don't drink. I hate alcohol. I like Fanta.. its amazing. I got a bottle of Fanta and sat at he bench outside. I just sat thinking about life. My mum and dad are living in America. Fun!

"Demi hey." A voice I reconise said. I looked over to see a mop of curls...Harry. He was with Louis and a girl who I think is Gemma.

"Oh erm....Hi." I mumbled.

He looked confused "Why have you been avoiding me?" He says. I stand up and start walking away but Harrys hand stops me.

"Answer me. Why are you avoiding me." He said sadly.

I shook my head. "I don't know. ." I say.

He shakes his head. "Yes you do..I know you do.. just tell me. Please." He said sadly.

"Well. Before, in the café you said you were single but ..when I went to your Caravan, Louis said Gemma was your girlfriend " I manage to say.

"What the hell Louis!" Harry says.

"You were lying to me Harry?" I say sadly.

"No! I am single. Gemma is my sister!" Harry says.

I stood still.

"I-Im sorry..I should go.." I say running away.

I heard them all call for me but I just ignored. I can't deal this..


Woop x

So how did you think of this?

Ive got some q&a from inbox.

Q. Why did you think of Caravan Park?

A. Well im on holiday in a caravan park so I wrote this. I get the odd internet. its beautiful.

Q. Whats your favourite arcade game?

A. At the caravan arcade where I am at the mo, Theres a doodle jump game. Which I won 2000 tickets on. So I based it on that. But my fave game is Car Racer Deluxe 5000. Best game ever.

Q. When will Haz and Lou meet the rest of the boys and can I have like some hints for the book ? x

A. Yes they will meet the boys in a few chapters. Idk when but deffo this book. Erm, keep scrolling for a big hint...

Keep on going. If not, change chapers.

go on.

Harry and Demi will....

Eat you because your so nosey. Jks bbs. ily all. I dont actually know what to do to them. Ideas?x

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