"I'm saying it"

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Ok. I'm ready. It's the last day of school. It's dismissal. I can do this. She won't remember this. She's my friend.

Garry went to me with encouragements, "You can do it!! Just tell her! You know, she is your friend. It's not that bad if she rejects you, you're not proposing to her anyway! Unless.." I hit his head before saying anything to make me even more nervous. I haven't felt anything like this ever since I saw a video of gorillas taking over the earth.

Marco came out from the classroom with Danny following him. She looks as beautiful as the sunset at the bay.

"Hey, Peter. Why'd you let Marco call me? And why is Garry here? I was talking to Kaye and Nancy before he diliberately interrupted our conversation," she glared at Marco at the thought of him suddenly sliding in between the three girls and asking Danny to follow him.

"Well... Uhm... I just wanted to tell you.. That... Can we talk upstairs? I really can't talk to you with all these people except Garry and Marco."

I can feel my hands sweating. I don't think I can do this. But, I've already went this far. I just wish these two idiots won't stop smiling behind us or they'll blow my cover.

We reached the third floor and I didn't think it was this quiet. Well, here goes.

"Danny, my friend. The thing is, I think that you are a very unique and beautiful and smart and I'm sure that everyone also knows that because you are too amazing to not notice and I wanted to let you know how thankful I am that you're my friend and I am your friend and well," sigh, I'm saying it, "I really, really, like you, Dannyelle Hart."

All the time I was saying that I was looking down. I mean, how could I? She's Dannyelle Hart! The girl with the beauty, the brains, the talent, the money(not that I'm a gold-digger), and the hair. The brunette hair that feels like silk but looks like a ragged waterfall.
And I just confessed to her.

"Ah... Uhm... Is that it...? Uhm, I'm really sorry but I don't know what to say... I'm sorry," I looked at her then. Her face was blank. Does she want to tell me something?

"Ok... Peter, I appreciate your feelings for me and all but it's just that.. I really don't want to... Have this... It feels awkward and I don't want awkward in our friendship. So, you think you can forgive me? For letting you down? We'll still be friends, don't worry about that."

A stone formed in my throat. I just nodded to keep my voice from cracking with embarassment and feeling of nausea.

She smiled and went down the stairs. Marco and Garry went up to me and patted my back.

They might not know how I feel but I'm sure they know its not a good feeling.

"Still friends, huh? At least you got to tell her before you leave. Why did you not want to tell her that you're transferring schools again? Oh, right. You'd refer to transfer with everything done instead of regretting not to tell her. I think you di---"

"Need not to tell me, Garry? I feel horrible being let down like that. I'll accept it like that, though. It's fine. I mean, I wasn't proposing to her anyway."

Garry shut his mouth but eventually, being Garry, he asked, "Are you mad?" I just laughed at his innocent face and instead went downstairs. Then a question popped in my head.

If she knew, would she have said something differently?

I stopped walking at the sudden realization. Why am I so stupid?

But, hey, I've already said it. I can't go back in time. Might as well leave carrying all the regret.

Marco tapped on my back, "dude, you ok? Your phone's been ringing and you've been standing there for almost a minute."

I glanced at my phone and saw my Mom's name on the screen.

Oh no. My meeting with the principal.

"Yeah, Mom? I'm going down. Yeah, I'm coming. Don't shout, Mom. I can hear you perfectly fine. Yes, Mom... Ok... Bye, Love you toooooooooooo...."

The call ended and I saw Garry and Marco snickering as if I confessed to another girl again.

"What? You don't say 'I love you' to your parents?" Then I turned my back and continued walking.

Looks like I'll just have to get over with this some other time... I just wish it would be sooner, though.

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