Chapter Ten

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I woke up in bed with a headache. I dont know why my head hurts so much. I looked over and saw Murray was knocked out. He seemed so at peace. Yesterday was just a headache for me. Maybe thats why my head hurts.

I got out of bed and went to the bathroom. I washed my face and brushed my teeth. Then i walked out of the bathroom and downstairs. Today is Friday and i know Cody and Gabe are going to work probably at work.

I went to the kitchen to see a sticky note on the microwave. I took it off.

'Sweetheart i made you blueberry pancakes and eggs Enjoy. Love Cody'. It read.

I smiled and opened the microwave and touched the pancakes they were cold. So i started the microwave heating them up.

I looked at the clock on the oven and it was 10:30am. Meaning Cody and Gabe are gone but where is Matt?

I walked out of the kitchen and went to the living room. It was quiet the tv was off. Hmm maybe he is sleeping.

I walked out of the living room and walked back up stairs hearing the microwave beep as i got up stairs. I went straight to Matt's room and softly knocked.

There was no answer so i slowly opened the door and peeped my head in. I gasped. Matt was on his laptop watching porn. He had on his earbuds on thats why he couldnt hear me. He was jerking himself off.

He looked up at me and just smirked at me. I think my mouth hit the floor. This boy is too much. I quickly shut his door and walked back down stairs. I knew he was horny but dang. I laughed to myself.

I went into the kitchen and took my pancakes out of the microwave and then got the syrup out of the cabinet. And a fork and sat at the table.

 I began to eat my pancakes. Wow these are really good. Cody can cook, he is very good at it.

Just looking out the window it was so peaceful. The sun was shinning this is a good day to take Murray out for a walk.

After i finished eating i went upstairs and got dressed to walk Murray.

"Murray come on boy"

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"Murray come on boy". I said to him.

He hopped up from the bed and came over to me. I put on his leash and we walked out of my room.

"Where are you think you going"?

I turned around and seen Matt coming out of his room in sweats.

Kidnapped or Saved? (Interracial) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now