Chapter Nineteen

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Once the police were called Gabe took them to where he thinks Cody was and they took us back home. Hoping Caleb was still there.

Unfortunately the man wasnt there. But Codys car was gone so maybe.he will be back.

We were forced to stay in the living room with two officers. While two more were outside hiding and waitinf just incase.

"I hope Cody is okay". I said putting my head on Matt's shoulders.

He wrapped his arm around me.

"Trust me Cody is a strong man". Matt said

"Yeah trust him". Tiffany said laughing.

Matt threw a pillow at her. "Shut up".

I looked at Matt then Tiffany.

"Yeah i dont get it".

Tiffany smirkes and whispered in my ear. "Im saying Matt should know how strong is he since Cody lifts him in bed and shit like that".

My eyes got big. "Ohhhhhh".

Im slow.

An hour passes when Matts phone rung.

"Put it on speaker". Tiffany said

He did.

"Is he okay? Did you find him? Was Caleb there? Did they get him"? We all yelled different questions at once.

"Guys i didnt understand any of that"?

"Did you find him"? I asked

"Yes and we are on the way to the hospital".

"What about Caleb"? Matt asked

"They are tracking Cody's car so they are following him i dont know if its a speed chase or not".

"Thats so hot". Tiffany said.

Matt and i both turned and looked at her.

"What i love a sexy man in a speed chase".

"What? How? You know what i dont want to know". Matt said

I smiled. "Can we come see him"?

"No we will be home soon after stay there". He said

"If i still go will i get in trouble"?

"Demetria please dont test me. Not today".

I sighed. "Fine".

I ended up falling asleep on Matt. I dont even know what happened but i woke up to Tiffany laying on my legs and Matt was gone

I shook my legs waking Tiffany up.

"No mama give me my dog back". And she ended up rolling off the couch.

I couldnt help but laughing as she groaned.

"Aww fuck that hurt".

She sat up rubbing her arm.

"What time is it"? She asked

I shrugged and got off the couch still in yesterdays dress.

I smelled food. I smiling and ran to the kitchen.

It was Cody making eggs. I ran over and hugges him from the back.

"Whoa sweetie". He chuckled.

"Please dont ever leave me again".

He turned around and faced me. "Well it wasnt really my idea". He smiled.

Kidnapped or Saved? (Interracial) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now