Chapter Eighteen

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Today is Saturday and im so freaking excited for what......well i dont really know.

I got out of bed and went to brush my teeth.

After that i went downstairs. For once i didnt smell breakfast and usually Cody makes it unless he is late for work and he is off today.

Thats strange.

I walked into the living room and he was in the living room watching tv.

"Good morning "? I said to him.

He looked over at me and just stared.

"Damn you look good".

"Uhh thank you. Even though i just woke up".

"Yeah but you look amazing".

That made me blush or it could be cause im wearing shorts and a tank.

I shrugged. "So how are you feeling. Better than yesterday "? I sat next to him.

"Oh yeah much better". He smiled.

"So how come you didnt cook breakfast".

He started laughing then he stopped. "Why should i make breakfast all the time. You are a girl. You cook".

My mouth dropped open. He did not just say that.

I got up and left the room and went straight upstairs to Matt's room.

Like always he was sleep. I went over to him and laid right on top of him.

"Shit". He said out of breath.

"De what the hell that hurt".

"Im sorry but Cody was being mean to me".

He openes his eyes. "Cody? Mean? Not possible".

"No i asked how come he didnt cook and he said and i quote 'why should i make breakfast all the time, you are a girl you cook'.".

He sat up with me on him still.

"Baby did he really say that"?

I nodded. "Yes".

Matt moved me off of him and got up from the bed and went out of his room. I followed him.

He went down the stairs and to the living room.

"Hi C".

He looked at Matt a little confused.

"Uhh hi". And looked back at the tv.

Matt came over to me on the stairs and whispered. "Yeah thats not Cody".

"What do you mean"?  I whispered back

"Thats Caleb".

"Seriously". I looked at the person on the couch

"Yes seriously".

Hmmmm i thought for a second and pushed him a little to the side. I went to the kitchen with Matt right on my heels.

"What are you doing"? Matt whispered.

"I need to make sure. Cody has a small circle birthmark on the side". I said getting a cup and filling it with water.

"Watch and learn from the master". I told Matt and walked put of the kitchen.

I went to the living room and pretended to trip and spilled the water on him.

"Fuck"! He yelled

"Oh my goodness Cody im so sorry". I placed the cup down.

"Let me take this wet shirt".

Caleb smiled. "Aww i see what you did baby. If you wanted to see me shirtless you could have just asked". He took off his shirt and handed it to me.

Yep no birthmark.

I gave him a fake smile. "I know but that was an accident".

I walked out and ran up the stairs with Matt behind me.

"We need to get Tiffany and go to see Gabe". Matt said.

"Okay and i need to get Murray".

Matt went to get Tiffany and i went back to my room and put on a sun dress and my flip flops.

"Murray come here boy". I picked him up and put his leash on him.

I walked out just in time as Tiffany and Matt.

"How are we going to get out". Tiffany whispered.

"Leave that to me". I said.

We all walked downstairs.

"Cody we are going to walk Murray then go to the park". I said to him

His eyes never left the tv. "Sure whatever".

We quickly walked out the front door and got in Matt's car.

"Yeah he is not Cody. Cody would have gotten up and walked us out like a mother".

I laughed. "Cody is like the mother type just not girly".

Once we got to the hospital we went to the front desk.

"Excuse me ma'am is Doctor Gabriel here"? I asked.

"Why do you need him"? She asked with an attitude.

"Look here lady he is my big brothee this is life or death here i need my brother now or i will make a huge scene in this damn hospital". Tiffany yelled making everyone stop and look

"Okay just wait over there".

We took a seat.

"Where the hell does he even have Cody"? Matt said out of nowhere.

"Yeah i was wondering that too. Like how did he even take him down"? Tiffany asked.

Soon we see Gabe running over to us.

"What what is going on"? He asked panicking

"So umm Caleb took Cody and switched places with him i guess and we have no idea where Cody is so we came here". I told him.

"Are you sure"? Gabe asked

"100% sure". We all said.

"Shit i knew his bitch ass would find him. Look call the police i kinda have a feeling where he is". Gabe said walking away

"Where are you going"?

"To change ca the police ill be right back"




Yall i might end up finishing this book today fingers crossed

Buuuuut i hope you enjoyed this chapter


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