Chapter 16: The Call

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Chapter 16: The Call

I can't take it any longer, I miss my friends, I miss my home, but really I miss the boys. I couldn't stay in hiding forever. Well I mean when your famous I guess your not really in hiding, but you get what I mean. I finally picked up my IPhone that Dani told me to never use to call them. She deleted all of their numbers but I remembered Niall's. My hands shook as I dialed the number.

It rung twice then I heard that Irish accent.

Niall= Ello?

Me= Niall?

Niall= Lena?

Me= Hi

I heard shuffling and then I heard him whisper,

"Shh lads, I'm going to put her on speaker phone."

Me= Niall you know I can hear you.

Liam= Lena! Where are you, please come home. I promise I'll be a better dad, and a better boyfriend to Dani.

Me= I'm s-sorry but I can't. I'm not even supposed to talk to you.

Liam= Please Lena your are only hope, Lou cries himself to sleep! I cry myself to sleep.

Me= Have you and Niall made up yet?

Niall= No

Me= Why not! I know you both know that you didn't do what you did so make up right now.

They say sorry and then they laugh.

Niall= Happy?

Me= Very! Did you ever find Harry?

Niall= Nope

Me= When was the last time you guys did a concert?

Liam= Almost 2 months. Ever since Harry ran away and Zayn left.

Me= Oh

Liam= Please Lena come home.

Me= I'm sorry but I can't. Take care of yourselfs.

I hung up before they can say anything.

"Lena I-"

"No mum save it." I tell her.

She left the room without a word. Now look who's the one crying themself to sleep tonight Dad.





-Riss1020 :)

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