Chapter 4 - Cover Up

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A/N: Reminder that you can always find Emma's outfit by clicking the external link. :)

"Remind me again why we have to cook for her?" I whined.

I'd been chopping vegetables for the past fifteen minutes. My father had informed me at lunch that Melanie would be over for dinner and I was to help him prepare a meal. Well, I would have to prepare something. The only thing my father knows how to cook is toast.

"Because I'm the gentleman," he said. He wiped his hands on the 'Kiss the Chef' apron he decided to wear. "Now, uh, pass me that powdery stuff that makes your breath smell all bad."

I snickered. "You mean the garlic?" I asked, holding up the spice. I waved it in my hand, raising my eyebrows. 

"Yeah whatever it's called," he shrugged. I tossed him the bottle and he caught it with ease. He held a tablespoon over the mixing bowl and tried pouring the garlic onto it. I rolled my eyes and strolled over to him.

"Here," I took the garlic and the spoon from him. I scooped the measuring tool into the bottle, getting the perfect amount, and dumped it into the mix. "It's easier that way."

"Thanks," he said as I walked back to my cutting board. He stirred the contents of the bowl. "You have your mother's gift in the kitchen."

I stopped slicing the peppers and took in my father's words. The subject of my mother has been an avoided one in our house so it was strange that he brought it up. I was glad, though. At least he wasn't forgetting her.

"I know," I said, my voice nearly a whisper. I noticed him glance over to me, but I kept my eyes focused on the cutting board. He turned and grabbed the chicken from the microwave, where it had been thawing. I went back to cutting, but my thoughts where distracted by Dad's comment. "Ow, shit..."

I had sliced through the skin on my left hand between my thumb and index finger. My father turned back to see my deep gash, which was now leaking blood all over the counter. "Emma," He rushed to grab my hand but I threw a towel over it. I couldn't let him see what would actually happen. "We have to get you to the hospital."

"No, Dad, I'm fine really. It's just a little cut!" I exclaimed. The towel had collected a small amount of my blood by now. It hardly even stung. But he had already turned off the oven and grabbed his car keys.

"You're going to need stitches. I'm not going to let you go on with out getting that looked at." he stated. I know he's only trying to do what's best for me, but I don't need it. If only he knew that. 

I sighed and followed him to the car, where he opened my door for me. I kept the towel wrapped tightly around my hand. Dad thought I was stopping the blood flow. But, in reality, I'm hiding something.

"I better call Melanie," said Dad. He pulled his phone from his pocket and was already on the line with her by the time we pulled out of the driveway. "Hey, hun, yeah bad news. Emma cut her hand making dinner so I'm taking her in to get it looked at...Yeah, I know...Uh-huh...Look I'll call you when we get it figured out...Yep...Love you too."

While Dad was on the phone with her, I peaked under the towel. My cut was already looking better to the point where you'd think it had only been a scratch. How I'm going to explain that to my father and the doctor...I have no idea. 

"How are you doing?" he asked, glancing down to my hand. I quickly pressed the towel back down. I hoped he didn't see anything.

"I told you, I'm fine. We really don't need to go to the hospital. Besides, Melanie seemed a bit disappointed about dinner." I said, trying everything to get him to turn around.

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